1. From the Be Careful What You Wish For Department
Americans are still waiting for the GOP's magical, new and improved, best ever - but don't blame us if millions of people lose their healthcare - repeal and/or maybe replacement of the Affordable Care Act.
2. More from the Be Careful What You Wish For Department
Hmmmm…I thought you wished for transparency in government.
3. Clueless in DC (from the office of the Head Beagle)
And, of course, there's always that damned complicated healthcare issue nobody knew about...
4. America At The Crossroads
crossroads |ˈkrôsˌrōdz|
an intersection of two or more roads.
• a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences: we stand again at a historic crossroads.
5. How To Structure A Merger (an alternative fact)
I found this in an unpublished chapter of The Art Of The Deal by Donald J. Trump. When I asked him about it, Trump claimed that J. R. R. Tolkien stole this poem and plagiarized it in The Lord of the Rings.
One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.
6. Surviving in Trump's America - A Guide (Hint: You can't, and you won't.)
Let's all sing Kumbaya and learn to get along…or else!
7. How do I lie to thee? Let me count the ways.
The Toronto Star is running a complete list of all the false things (AKA alternative facts or, more accurately, bald-faced lies) Trump has said as president. On March 3, the list was up to 114 items. It's likely to be longer when you click this link to the Star's list.
8. You can't get there from here.
Horace Greeley knew how to use a compass and read a map. Trump doesn't believe either is necessary.
This is where you invariably wind up when you hitch your wagon to a lot of bull.
9. Far From The Madding Crowd
Divide and conquer governance is alive and well in America. It will continue to thrive as long as the voting public doesn't think about which political party's agenda and policies are exclusive and which inclusive.
10. Down To Earth Healthcare Reform
The GOP claimed there would be death panels if The Affordable Care Act passed. What they didn't say was that they wanted to run them.
Link to Source
11. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. (You can't make this stuff up.)
Iowa state Senator Mark Chelgren wanted to limit the number of liberals teaching at state universities. He sponsored a bill to freeze faculty hiring at the state's public universities until the number of professors registered as Republicans was within 10 percent of those registered as Democrats. Reporters checked his educational background and discovered that the business degree he claimed to have was actually a training certificate from Sizzler.
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