During the week I come across many excellent comics and cartoons. Some are so noteworthy that I find it difficult to decide whether it is better to post them on Facebook or to wait and include them in the next Sunday Funnies collection on this blog.
This week I decided to try a combination. I posted items I thought were worthy of immediate distribution to my Facebook page. They appear again here along with other items that fit the theme but which didn't make the Facebook cut.
1. Animal Farm - An Identify the Political Animals Game
The Trump administration has been compared that of Big Brother in George Orwell's 1984. But Orwell also wrote Animal Farm, a novel which has much to say about the politicians who are sucking up to him and giving him cover.
Match the politicians listed here with the animal in cartoon that best represents him and his reaction to what Trump has been doing:
Link to Source1. Rooster b. Mitch McConnell2. Cow c. Paul Ryan3. Chicken d. John McCain
4. Sheep d. Lindsay Graham
2. Real Fake News
There's nothing political here. Just a bit of comic relief from the ongoing Trump debacle.
3. Prediction
If things keep going as they have since January 20, Danae, or someone like her, will become the first woman president.
4. Next in line, those who use the phrase "lame-stream media."
In case you haven't noticed, our country is currently at a crossroads. The independent press, which serves as a check on political corruption, is under attack. The Trump administration is doing everything it can to discredit any and all news that is critical of its policies and actions. One of its favorite weapons in this effort is the term "lame-stream media," with which right-wing talk radio has brainwashed Americans for over thirty years.
5. See previous item...
This is quite likely ti be the news of the future if Trump gets his way.
6. Newspeak (link to source of text below)
The term "newspeak" was coined by George Orwell in his 1949 anti-utopian novel 1984. In Orwell's fictional totalitarian state, Newspeak was a language favored by the minions of Big Brother and, in Orwell's words, "designed to diminish the range of thought." Newspeak was characterized by the elimination or alteration of certain words, the substitution of one word for another, the interchangeability of parts of speech, and the creation of words for political purposes. The word has caught on in general use to refer to confusing or deceptive bureaucratic jargon.
Today we have Trumpspeak, which is not a whole hell of a lot different from Orwell's newspeak.
7. Take a sneak peek inside the strategy room of Trump's "fine-tuned machine."
Everything is going according to plan. Unfortunately, the plan is to establish Trump as dictator. If you believe otherwise, your head is stuck in a warm, dark place that smells like feces.
8. Post-Election Choices
Elections are choices, and choices have consequences. Sometimes those consequences require us to make more choices, choices as to what or whom we are to believe.
Choose wisely, America.
9. Heads or Tails? Either way you lose.
If you don't like what you hear coming out of the "The Oval Orifice," take a trip down the hall and get a second opinion from Press Secretary, Sean Sphincter. Note: Don't expect to find one any better than the other unless you are skilled at making value choices between different types of manure.
10. The Gospel According to Trump (A Visual Metaphor)
And lo, America was made great again! Better than ever. The greatest. Believe me.
Link to Source
11. The Case of the Unprecedented Presidency
Never before in the history of the United States has a president told outright lies, stated that they were lies, repeated those lies, and enjoyed having them turned into facts by those with the power to keep the country from being flushed down the toilet.
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