In today's America politicians routinely deny reality and make demonstrably false claims designed to discredit facts that don't align with their stated (albeit not necessarily honestly held) positions, beliefs, or values. Form trumps substance in a land where wealth and winning at any cost are are the only rulers by which the citizens measure competence.
1. Honestly, Abe?
With folks like Betsy DeVos and Jerry Falwell Jr. making education policy for America, Sally's report is sure to be a winner.
2. The Ghost of Jason Chaffetz
There was spirited discourse at his recent town hall meeting.
3. Executive Disorder
He thought checks and balances referred to his bank statement.
4. What could possibly go wrong?
Maybe Twitter would be a better source for intelligence information…or not.
5. Our Fabulous* Leader
When the only tool you have is a sledge hammer, every government agency looks like a condemned building.
* fabulous |ˈfabyələs| adjective - having no basis in reality
6. Tea Party for Two
Three well-known monkeys sit in as the pillars of democracy.
7. T-Party for Evangelicals
There is a sucker born every minute.
–P. T. Barnum
8. New, Fantastic, Jobs Program
It'll be great. The best. Millions of jobs. Good-paying jobs. Believe me.
9. A Deal Made Behind Closed Doors
Did I mention that the doors were the gates of Hell?
10. Everything is going according to plan.
So you can plan on hearing and seeing lots of bullshit followed by more of the same.
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