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Monday, February 20, 2017

You lie!

In September, 2009 during President Obama's speech on healthcare to a joint session of Congress, Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie!" Later that evening he apologized, saying, "...While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.”

But what does one do when the current occupant of the White House spreads lies like manure in a blatant attempt to fertilize and nurture an "alternative fact-based" view of reality?

The Toronto Star has an answer. It has published 

The complete list of all 80 false things Donald Trump has said in his first 4 weeks as president

It's an excellent article that is thoroughly researched and documented. However, Trump supporters don't do nuance or research. Instead, they take unrelated factoids, mix them with unsubstantiated comments, and conflate them into alternative facts, which they then spout as gospel just as he does.

I urge you to click the link above and read the Star's article. It may help restore your sense of political balance.

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