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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Roy Moore: Real Fake News & Fake Good News

Real Fake News

Roy Moore is an Honorable, God-fearing, Public Servant

All Roy Moor needed in order to become a supreme court justice in Alabama was to claim - and loudly proclaim - that he was a devout, God-fearing Christian. People who knew the truth about him never called him out. After all, he was not only a Christian, he was a Republican in the reddest of red states.

Now that Moore wants to be a U.S. Senator, five women have come forward and told the nation how he molested them when they were teenagers and he was in his thirties.

But this is Alabama, and evangelical Christians are rallying behind the devout Mr. Moore with supposedly Biblical proof that his behavior toward those teenage girls was justified.

What does that tell us about politics and religion in Alabama?

Furthermore, what will life in America be like if we continue to follow the GOP as it marches toward establishing, nationwide, a fundamentalist theocracy in the Alabama tradition?

Fake Good News

Evangelical Christians Use the Bible to Support Roy Moore

Separation of church and state is anathema to traditional (i.e. dominant, old, white, protestant male) Alabama thinking, and Alabamans are quite attached to their traditions, both religious and pre-Civil War political.

Between Real Fake News and Fake Good News

One Final Cartoon and Comment

How can it be that the following cartoon falls between real fake news and fake good news?

Well, if you know Alabama, you would know that the response of a wife in a real Christian family would be, "Yes, dear."

Do you think I'm blowing smoke about wives in a real Christian family in Alabama? Read on...

Roy Moore’s Wife Forged Old Letter to Show 50 Pastors Support Him

After the Washington Post published a story detailing how Alabama’s Republican candidate for Senate Roy Moore initiated sexual contact with multiple teenager when he was in his 30’s, his wife posted a letter of support from 53 pastors on Facebook.

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