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Monday, November 27, 2017

U.S. Congress Inaction - A Brief Report

Note: The word Inaction in the title is not a typo. It's the lead-in to the bare facts exposed in today's post.

Having passed absolutely no meaningful legislation since the 2016 election, Republicans are feverishly working to short-change the middle class in time for Christmas with a tax cut for the wealthy that is projected to leave a permanent stain on the bottom half of the economic pyramid.

That's what happens when Santa Claus slides down chimneys to bring presents only to rich little boys and girls.

Meanwhile, in an under-cover maneuver, Congress used a tax-supported slush fund to pay over $17 million to settle cases against its members whose hands had reached into places other than the pockets of the electorate.

Isn't it touching to realize that members of Congress can accomplish so little for the good of the country yet manage to cover their assets?

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