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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Using A Corker To Plug A Leak

Yesterday the GOP used a Corker to plug one of the many leaks in it's "tax reform" scam.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), who had previously opposed the legislation on the grounds that it would raise the deficit, changed his mind. He claims that he has negotiated a trigger that will kick in additional revenues should the GOP's targets not be met.

A trigger, of course, is just another way for Republicans to flimflam the public and avoid accountability when the deficit they rail against increases; and it will increase as it always does whenever they are in power.

Which brings me to this...

Three men were in a boat, and the oars began to leak.

My father used to say that in response to ridiculous situations or events he encountered.

As a child, I didn't understand this clever metaphor; but, now that I'm an adult and the GOP has control of all three branches of our government, it makes perfect sense.

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