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Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Question for Wayne LaPierre

Mr. LaPierre,

Based on the fact that you called for armed guards in all classrooms in the country as well as the creation of a national database of people with mental health problems, are you going to jump-start the effort and release the names and contact information of all of the members of the NRA, starting with your own?

I ask this in all sincerity because I am fairly certain that only a megalomaniacal sociopath would stage a national press conference which began with an announcement that no questions would be permitted and consisted entirely of a litany of non-negotiable demands directed toward the Congress of the United States of America.

* * *


megalomania |ˌmegəlōˈmānēə|nounobsession with the exercise of power, esp. in the domination of others.• delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoiddisorder).DERIVATIVESmegalomanic |-ˈmanik| adjective
sociopath |ˈsōsēōˌpaθnoun person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviorand a lack of conscience.

DERIVATIVESsociopathic |ˌsōsēōˈpaθik| adjectivesociopathy |ˌsōsēˈäpəθē| noun

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good News!

Self-serving, self-righteous, self-proclaimed "christian" (the lower case "c" is deliberate) leaders like Mike Huckabee and James Dobson are pulling the oldest scam in the good book. They are pedaling idolatry just as those who crafted the golden calf did when Moses went mountain climbing.

They and their followers eagerly tell anyone gullible enough to listen that their god (also deliberate lower case) is more powerful than yours. And they contend that the Bible gives them the authority to justify and promote racism, homophobia, war, and torture.

Even more astonishing is the fact that they spread their message of hatred and fear of "the other" while claiming to follow the teachings of an itinerant carpenter, who condemned nobody but instead told sinners that their sins were forgiven - unconditionally.

Then, of course, they ask for money to further the cause of "christian love."

This week Huckabee and Dobson said that those who died in Newtown, Connecticut brought it on themselves by pissing off God.

For the good of our nation these men need to be called out as the hypocrites they are whenever they open their hatred-spewing mouths.

Thank you, Pastor John Pavlovitz for doing just that in your December 18 message:

Mike Huckabee, James Dobson, and A Pastor’s Apology.

I am a Christian. I am a pastor. I am a father. As all three of these things, I apologize to the world (and to the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting), for Mike Huckabee and James Dobson. This week...

Click here or on the title above to read Pastor Pavlovitz's article.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Give me an R! (or not)

Today's Deep Cover comic captures the essence of what the Republicans have learned from  the results of the November 6 election.

Having spent over thirty years framing every political issue with carefully crafted rhetoric to mask a socially regressive agenda, and successfully bamboozling a great deal of the voting public in the process, the leaders of the Republican party have themselves fallen victim to the ruse.

They appear to have swallowed the poisonous, FOX-Limbaugh Kool-Aid and now believe that altering their rhetoric is all they must do to become relevant in national elections once again.

At the national level, this is good news for those who prefer progressive policies to hide-bound tradition. Unfortunately, gerrymandered districts will continue to ensure the election of politicians who are by-and-large social troglodytes for years to come.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tea & Synchrony

A recent Facebook discussion about the attack on unions currently being waged in Michigan brought to mind the sequence of events portrayed in Sinclair Lewis's 1935 novel, It Can't Happen Here.

I recommend getting a copy and reading it. (I'm a retired English teacher. Giving homework assignments is second nature to me.)

You will be amazed at just how much Buzz Windrip's populist movement in the novel resembles that of the Tea Party with which America has flirted for the past five years.

The parallels in tactics are striking - especially the penchant for hate-and-fear-mongering while simultaneously and self-righteously wrapped in the flag and brandishing the Bible as a weapon.

The good news is that it is not 1935, and life has not imitated art. The plans of those who would have us believe that all our problems would disappear if we "took America back" to the days of slavery, child labor, robber-baron industrialism, and unrestrained militarism have come a cropper, and America is a better place for it.

The American voting public has been wise enough to avoid going over the "über-patriot-religionism cliff," electing Barack Obama as President of The United States not once, but twice despite the Tea Party's well-funded attempts to frame him as a foreign, Muslim, communist, socialist, baby-killing, gun-hating, "N-word."

"It Can't Happen Here" can be purchased for around $10, or you can download a .pdf copy by clicking  this link: Download the novel.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Structural Geology 101 - The Fiscal Cliff

This relatively-new formation is composed primarily of of rocks-heads impervious to reality, cemented together by pledges to an unelected political hack, and resting on a substrate of rigid ideology.

Nick Anderson, December 2, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

John McCain's 21 Gum Salute (No, that's not a typo.)

He's the personification of irrelevance, yet Sen. John McCain continues to show up on Sunday morning "news" shows.


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Impure Thoughts, A Comparison

Blur your eyes, and make your computer display wiggle. We're climbing into the WABAC Machine and going back to 1976 to revisit Jimmy Carter's "Playboy" interview...
I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times....
Blur them again, and we're back in 2012...

This time it's Grover Norquist commenting on Republican members of Congress who are thinking about the possibility of perhaps...maybe...there's a chance they might consder...


Draw your own conclusions, of course; but I've been saying for years that making money is the true religion of members of the self-righteous right.
* * *
Note: The WABAC Machine from The Bullwinkle Show is the perfect device to explore and evaluate the "BULL-winkle" emanating from the mouths of Grover Norquist and other Republicans working to undermine the efforts of President Obama.

If U.S. Land Were Divided Like U.S. Wealth

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth at least that.

Friday, November 23, 2012

RNC Headquarters Gets New Carpeting

In the wake of the drubbing the GOP took on November 6, one prominent Republican after another has denounced the rhetoric the party used to sell its policies to the American electorate.

They're not denouncing the policies mind you, just the rhetoric used to sell policies which alienated a majority of the electorate and handed President Obama a second term.

Like so much of what passes for reform, the post-election cry for reform coming from the GOP is an insincere call for more of the same with form once again trumping substance. It amounts to little more than a new twist on the old trick of sweeping embarrassing dirt under a rug.

In this instance, the detritus consists of the GOP's unpopular, Machiavellian social policies, while the twist involves installing new, state-of-the-art, wall-to-wall carpeting designed to achieve the appearance of substantive change.. 

Today's Six Chix comic illustrates the concept...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving - A Comic Timeline

Today's The Flying McCoys comic takes us back to the first Thanksgiving...

Next, Mike Luckovich shows us what might have been...

Bound and Gagged illustrates what it has actually become...

Finally, as a married male, who intends to live at least a while longer, I thought it wise to thank my wife for the meal we’ll be eating later today and for putting up with me for lo these many years BEFORE she sees today’s Baby Blues comic.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Elephants' Graveyard

Gerrymandered congressional districts will prolong the journey, of course; but unless the GOP does more than change its rhetoric, the party of Lincoln, now following the footsteps of the Whigs and the dodo, will continue the long, slow, march to irrelevancy and eventual extinction.

This is unfortunate, and progressives should not gloat at the prospect or see this as a victory.

For over two hundred years, the dynamic tension inherent in our two-party system has produced good governance through the process of substantive debate and compromise.

America needs two, strong political parties rooted in reality while differing in philosophy if our experiment in self governance is to continue to flourish.

Nick Anderson by Nick Anderson 

Jeff Stahler by Jeff Stahler 

Tom Toles by Tom Toles 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today's post will give you a bit of insight into the workings of a mind that's numb from four years of political posturing, whining, duplicity, and outright lying by those who wanted to delegitimize the 2008 election of Barack Obama as President of The United States of America and deny him a second term. 

I found the May 17, 2012 Tom Toles cartoon shown below among unfinished drafts I had saved for future development, and I thought today was the perfect time to share it now that the so-called "fiscal cliff" is once again on the horizon.

However, I had a problem. I couldn't decide on a title.

For me, a title must set the tone for and also hint at the content which follows. Since I didn't see the need to write a rehash of the fiscal cliff debate, the cartoon itself would be the content.

But what title would work best for a six-month-old cartoon depicting a zombified John Boehner emerging from the grave and resurrecting an argument most folks thought had been buried?

I considered and rejected all of these:

Fiscal Cliffhanger, A Grave Matter
Back To The Future...Again and Again
The Dark Place Where John Boehner Keeps His Head
Bipartisanship-Dead On Arrival
A brain! I need a brain.
Debt Ceiling Déjà Vu
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night

Nothing clicked, so I decided to make today's post interactive. Using a riff on the "entitlement" aspersion Boehner and his pals will undoubtedly cast as the debate proceeds, I called the post "Un-titlement?" and am giving those who read my blog a chance to offer suggestions.

If you have a better title, or if you really like one of my rejects, use the comment link at the bottom of the post. If it says "No comments:" you will be the first.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Difference

No matter what you may have heard, all politicians are not alike.

This video shows something President Obama has that Mitt R-MONEY has not the slightest clue about.

It's called compassion.

President Obama cares about people. He treats them with respect and dignity. He is able to see himself in others and make decisions based on their needs and concerns.

In contrast and by his own admission, Mitt Romney is a businessman. He cares about money. His interactions with people are transactional, carefully weighed as to profit and loss. That's why his first priority after losing the election was to cancel all the staff credit cards, leaving his loyal workers fumbling to pay cab fare to get home.

Thankfully, 51% of the American electorate recognized the difference.

Friday, November 9, 2012

What We Won on November 6

In case you missed it...
At the very least, watch the first two minutes of the video below where Rachel lists all the sucky things which will NOT happen because America re-elected Barack Obama.

Then catch the last part (from the12:45 mark to the end) for a list of the facts the right has denied but which are nonetheless true and an invitation to them to help solve the real problems we face.
The eleven minute long middle section is also worth watching, especially if you want to see Karl Rove and the talking heads at FOX squirm as reality invades and then overwhelms their fantasy world.

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If you didn't watch the last part, here's a list of facts the rabid-right would have you believe are not true:

Understanding the Right-Wing's Alternate Universe

Yesterday Karl Rove said, "The president was also lucky. This time, the October surprise was not a dirty trick but an act of God. Hurricane Sandy interrupted Mr. Romney’s momentum and allowed Mr. Obama to look presidential and bipartisan."

Let's see now...

When rape results in pregnancy, it's God's will. That's good, so the woman must bear the rapist's child. However, when a hurricane helps President Obama win re-election, it's an act of God, but it's bad. Therefore, the Republicans don't have to recognize the legitimacy of the election.

Get it?
"No," you say?
Neither does any other rational human being.

Editorial Cartoons 11/09/2012

Here's another collection of cartoons for your enjoyment or consternation...

Steve Benson by Steve Benson 

Matt Bors by Matt Bors

Matt Davies by Matt Davies

Mike Luckovich by Mike Luckovich

Jim Morin by Jim Morin 

Jack Ohman by Jack Ohman

Joel Pett by Joel Pett

Ben Sargent by Ben Sargent 

Jeff Stahler by Jeff Stahler 

Tom Toles by Tom Toles 

(th)ink by Keith Knight

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Victory and Vindication

I saw the quote below in today's New York Times. I take it as personal vindication of a belief I have held for as long as I've been aware of the landscape of American politics.

"It is time to sit down practically and say where are we going to add pieces to our coalition. There just are not enough middle-aged white guys that we can scrape together to win. There's just not enough of them."
TOM DAVIS, former Republican member of Congress.
For years I've pointed out to anyone who would listen that the GOP is a minority party with a monolithic structure based on wealth and race while the Democratic party is a majority coalition of groups with diverse goals and objectives. I've argued that the Republicans have used wedge issues to divide and conquer what should be an overwhelming Democratic majority.

So long as the Democratic party failed to find a message or a candidate compelling enough to unite its diverse factions, the GOP could cobble together a majority by adding conservative, middle-aged, white men to Democrats and Independents sporting "GOP wedgies."

It was a blueprint, which worked flawlessly for years, but it went up in smoke on November 6, 2012 with the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama as President of The United States of America.

Here's why.

The 2012 Republican campaign message boiled down to this:
1. Middle-aged white guys are the "job creators and makers"
2. These "job creators" deserve to control not only the country but also the lives of the "takers," the 47% of Americans who need to learn how to take responsibility for their own lives.

Ethnic minorities, women, gays and lesbians, and young people of all ethnicities got that message and rejected it. They backed Barack Obama by large margins, not because he looked more like them, but because he shared their belief in a government whose policies were responsive to the problems faced by a diverse populace instead of one which catered to the wishes of the wealthiest few among us. There were simply not enough angry, middle-aged white guys to overcome that surge; and, given the trends in population growth and change, it's unlikely that there ever will be again.

Those who see the 2012 election solely as a win for the Democratic party and a loss for the GOP are missing the bigger picture. This election was a victory for all Americans, including the angry, middle-class, white guys, who opposed the President so adamantly.

They now must make a choice. Instead of acting as the devinely-entitled, masters they thought themselves to be, they must learn how to function as co-equal members within a diverse society. It's an opportunity they rarely gave to those over whom they exercised power.

If they choose this path, this election will result in a stronger America capable of facing the challenges of an uncertain future. If they fail to seize the opportunity and instead cling to the myths by which they set their course in the past, they face the prospect of becoming irrelevant in future elections, and America will be worse off for it.

In either case, the sound of the phrase We the People from the Preamble to the United States Constitution has never before rung as true as it does today.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The New Political Landscape

Well, it didn't take long for the GOP spin machine to begin it's attempt at dictating the agenda for the next four years to newly re-elected President Barack Obama.

Since the party leadership ceded control to a gang of Tea Party psychopaths they've gotten used to the tail wagging the elephant and figure it should work the same way for the Democrats and the country as a whole.

This 2008 cartoon by The New Yorker's Frank Cotham sums up what I heard today from John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and a host of other right-wing apologists as they talked about how they need to change their message - their MESSAGE, not their agenda!

So it would seem that they don't understand that the land of milk and honey run by angry, white men, the land they thought they were creating in perpetuity for themselves and their heirs, was at best a mirage.

Now they wander in a desert of their own making. But hey! At least the sand is white...

(Segue to passage from Milton's Paradise Lost ...)
‘Is this the region, this the soil, the clime,’
Said then the lost Archangel, ‘this the seat
That we must change for Heaven?—this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he
Who now is sovereign can dispose and bid
What shall be right: farthest from him is best
Whom reason hath equalled, force hath made supreme
Above his equals. Farewell, happy fields,
Where joy for ever dwells! Hail, horrors! hail,
Infernal world! and thou, profoundest Hell,
Receive thy new possessor—one who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th’ Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reigh secure; and, in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th’ associates and co-partners of our loss,
Lie thus astonished on th’ oblivious pool,
And call them not to share with us their part
In this unhappy mansion, or once more
With rallied arms to try what may be yet
Regained in Heaven, or what more lost in Hell?’
So Satan spake...

Game Over!

I didn't post anything immediately after the election was decided last evening because I wanted to give my thoughts time to coalesce into a simple message which would sum up both my reaction to the result and also give hints as to its implications for the future.

That message, which covers both the 2008 and 2012 elections, is this:

Presidential Election Scoreboard
Skinny Community Organizer           2
Well-Heeled GOP Hate-Mongers      0

Campaign 2012 Cartoon Compendium

…culled from some of my favorite humor haunts:

November 6

The Flying McCoys

2 Cows and a Chicken

Frank & Ernest

Non Sequitur

Pearls Before Swine


Wizard of Id

Stuart Carlson

Tom Toles

November 7

Non Sequitur

Steve Benson

Tom Toles

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Truth Strikes Back at MITThology

Billed as "the Most Brutal Campaign Ad of the Season," this video shows Mitt Romney dismissing and joking about climate change to an enthusiastic crowd at the Republican national convention. Then it cuts to reality - images of the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy - as the deligates in Tampa cheer their denier-in-chief.

Heckuva Job, Melissa!

Watch Melissa Harris-Perry's response to former FEMA chief Michael Brown's criticism of President Obama for reacting too quickly to Hurricane Sandy.

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After this well-deserved reaming, Brown would be wise to invest in a large jar of Vaseline.

Michael Brown is now on record claiming that President Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy was politically motivated. Given the severity of the storm and the horrific images we all saw as it made landfall, I asked myself why he or any other GOP surrogate would choose to go down this path, and I came up with the following:

When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Deception Tango

One, Two, Three, Kick!

I find it amazing how the right-wingnuts can claim that numbers generated by an independent agency - specifically, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) - are "cooked" whenever they don't like them, but they'll trumpet them from the rooftops when they do.

Such hypocrisy is part of a well-rehearsed slight-of-foot dance that was developed by Karl Rove. I call it the "deception tango."

R-MONEY demonstrated his terpsichorean skills a few days ago in Ohio when he said, "I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians is thinking of moving all production to China." (link below)

Technically, MITTH wasn't lying when he said he saw that "story." He probably did, or at least one of his handlers saw it and told him to use it. But it was pure deception tango footwork to "forget" to mention that the "story" was a completely fabricated rant found on a right-wing blog.

Even after the head of Chrysler/Jeep stated that there was no truth to his allegation, R-MONEY doubled down and repeated it in his subsequent campaign stops.

I have two questions for those who intend to vote for the GOP standard-bearer:
  1. How stupid does one have to be to swallow the bull-pucky R-MONEY is spreading?
  2. Do you hate having a Black President so much that you'd vote to put a pathological liar in the Oval Office?

Political Overload?

I know you're sick and tired of political commentary. So am I. But being sick and tired is not a valid excuse for abandoning your responsibility as an American citizen to become informed before you make your choice.

Becoming informed involves ignoring the rhetoric of the unending stream of political ads with which you have been and will continue to be bombarded. Instead you must examine the character of the two candidates as demonstrated by both their actions and policy positions.

• Which has offered policy details and taken specific actions to demonstrate his position, and which has offered only promises?

• Which has submitted to interviews by the media, and which has refused all such interviews even when the potential interviewer has publicly supported him?

• Which has released his financial records, and which has refused to do so?

• Which has put himself and his credibility on the line by taking steps to help the country that, while necessary, could cost him votes, and which has tap-danced around any and every issue and position he has ever held to the point where it's impossible to tell what he actually stands for?

Do your homework. Think. Vote!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Short, Clear, And To The Point

Do yourself a favor. Watch this video.

Debunking Debt Duplicity

Instead of taking the word of political hacks producing YouTube propaganda clips and email messages designed to scare you into voting for a spate of right-wing ideologues, click the link under the graph below, read the article, then decide for yourself if you should be scared to the point of voting to cut essential social programs based on a myth about the nation's debt.

Remember this:

Data is data; interpretation of data is spin.

Scare tactics work on folks who are too damned lazy to do the work of thinking critically about complex issues. They also work on folks who see the glass of the American dream as being half empty and the amount of liquid as shrinking.

I prefer to associate with folks who see the glass/liquid dream scenario as a dynamic system in which the level in the glass fluctuates as working Americans both consume the liquid and replace what they've taken with even more, which can then be shared with others.

Those in the "half empty" group work very hard at preventing others from drinking from what they consider to be their private watering hole.

Those in the "dynamic system" group know that the watering hole is on public land. They work to secure drinking rights for all who are thirsty.

If you're one of the people who has bought into the GOP's sudden epiphany that the deficit - and in particular the interest on the deficit - is the biggest problem facing America today, look at the graph below. Pay particular attention to these two facts from the article from which the graph was taken (link below):
Interest refers to interest the government pays on the national debt. In 1987, the interest rate on 10-year Treasury bonds was around 9 percent, driving up the share of government spending that went to interest. Today, the rate on 10-year Treasuries is roughly 2 percent.
Bonus Numbers! Federal spending has grown roughly as fast as the overall economy over the past 50 years. In 1962, federal spending was $707 billion and accounted for 18 percent of U.S. GDP. In 2011, federal spending was $3.1 trillion and accounted for 24 percent of GDP. (The dollar figures are adjusted for inflation.)
Finally, remember it was the Bush administration which cut taxes while prosecuting two unfunded wars with no concern for what effect those policies would have on the deficit.


50 Years Of Government Spending, In 1 Graph
Of each dollar the federal government spends, how much goes to defense? How much goes to Social Security? How much goes to interest on the debt? And how has this sort of thing changed over time?

The graphic below answers these questions. It shows the major components of federal spending 50 years ago, 25 years ago, and last year.

Link to full article:

Race To The Finish #2

You say you don't believe the GOP is using race baiting in its attempt to defeat President Obama?

Watch Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on The Ed Show, Oct. 26, 2012. What he had to say about the Republican party of which he is a member might change your mind.

Race To The Finish #1

Unless you've been asleep for the past year or have spent that time drinking the FOX "News" Kool-Aid, you know by now that the GOP has gone all-in on a race-baiting strategy to unseat President Obama.

The strategy is as simple as it is insidious. To hell with women, youth, minorities, gays and lesbians or any voting block save one. If R-MONEY can get a big enough majority of angry, White males to vote for him, he can win.

After the second debate I suggested that President Obama was able "to transcend and eliminate the 'Angry Black Man Factor'." However, polls showing R-MONEY gaining in swing states, have led me to question that assessment.

I'm beginning to think that those gains are precisely because the GOP standard bearer was so badly beaten in the debate.

In the eyes if those who see only the color of Mr. Obama's skin, R-MONEY came off as a White man who was publicly disrespected by a Black man. And not just any Black man, but one who doesn't buy the White man's dismissal of 47% of Americans of whom he said, "I'll never convince them that they should take personalresponsibility and care for their lives."

In my blog introduction I state that "To Kill A Mockingbird" is my favorite novel. So it is fitting that I offer a passage from that book to remind my readers of the true nature of the mindset which underlies racial bigotry.

It is part of Atticus Finch's final summation to the jury at the end of the trial of Tom Robinson, and it ends with an indictment which I believe applies to those who have devised the strategy the GOP has chosen to pursue.

“And so a quiet, respectable, humble Negro who had the unmitigated temerity to ‘feel sorry’ for a white woman has had to put his word against two white people’s. I need not remind you of their appearance and conduct on the stand—you saw them for yourselves. The witnesses for the state, with the exception of the sheriff of Maycomb County, have presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court, in the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption—the evil assumption—that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The President vs. The Pretender

Obama and the Angry Black Man Factor : The New Yorker

This New Yorker article by John Cassidy (link below) is a must read, especially after Tuesday's debate.

By suggesting that Mr. Obama and others in his administration were playing politics with the events in Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans, the clueless GOP presidential hopeful handed Mr. Obama an opportunity to be angry, not as an "angry Black man" but as the President of The United States of America.

Mr. Obama embraced that opportunity and used it to transcend and eliminate the "Angry Black Man Factor."

Two words from the last paragraph describe Mr. Obama's withering response to the accusation, and they show precisely why Mr. Obama is the now and future President while Mittens is little more than a hollow pretender. Those words are "controlled anger."