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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140223

The past week offered a heap of comics and cartoons worth sharing. Some are silly, yet astute; others more straightforward in how they skewer the sacred cows they hold over the socio-political barbecue pit.

This week's special entrée is slow-roasted ignorance with a side of whimsy.


1. Geography: It's all in how we see the world...or write about it.

Many of our concerns about globalization "Palin, the face of lionized scientific ignorance."

2. Necking - Texas Style

3. Facebook Friends Face-To-Face

4. Ooh - Ooh! Is that Senator Tootie?

Does anyone besides me remember Car 54, where are you? from back in the early 60s?

5. American Exceptionalism (Education Edition)

When I was teaching, the sentence I most disliked hearing from a student was, "This is hard!" 
Of course it's hard. Work is hard. That's why it's called work and not play. But people who master something that's hard feel good about themselves without needing a curriculum that focuses on self-esteem at the expense of education.
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6. Minority Report

Yes. And everyone paying the same tax rate would level the playing field and make things fair. (I discussed this topic at length in my February 15 post They're Not The Same #1: Fairness & Justice.)
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7. Hey Abbott! Are you really that stupid?

Greg Abbott decides to try the Sgt. Schultz defense after his mouthpiece bites him in the butt.

8. The Devil Made Me Do It Again

This one is for all the politicians (and the members of their duped base) who rail against the inefficiency of government programs and sweep their effectiveness under the carpet. 
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9. Finally, "It ain't over until..."

I told you this week offered a heap of comics and cartoons worth sharing, most of which skewered ignorance. Allow me to exit on a positive note.

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