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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

That Was Then; This is Now

A picture is said to be worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture with many words has even greater value. This is especially true if an update to those words unmasks the faux-populist spin of a dangerous minority faction within the once-proud "Party of Lincoln" and exposes its real agenda.

That Was Then

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This Is Now


I am responsible for the text modification to the That Was Then image from

I created "The New GOP" logo, which appears in the This Is Now image, in May 2009 when I saw what was happening inside the Republican Party following the election of Barack Obama by a majority of the American electorate and Mitch McConnell's statement that his #1 priority would be to defeat President Obama in 2012 rather than to work with him to pass meaningful legislation for the benefit of the country.

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