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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140413

This week's collection has no central theme. They're just some comics I liked enough to share.

1. Short-term mem...Squirrel!

2. Newspaper - The Morning Id-ition

3. Future Red State Politician.

4. Wisdom Truth

5. It's one of my top priorities.

6. Witch way did she go?

7. The Art of Politics

8. The Politics of Art

9. The Un-founding Fathers

10. Painting with broad strokes is especially effective as a coverup.

11. No Longer Separate, But Still Unequal

12. Some Comment Necessary

a. Since the scene is taking place in front of the Supreme Court building, I feel obligated to advocate for grammatical accuracy and register an appeal for the objective case. The last dialog balloon should say "...for whomever they choose."
b. You can still vote, unless, that is, you are a member of a minority group living in a red state where voting rights are under attack.

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