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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140427

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is mishmash:
mish-mash |ˈmi sh ˌma sh; -ˌmä sh |noun [in sing. ]a confused mixture a mishmash of outmoded ideas.ORIGIN late 15th cent.reduplication of mash .

1. "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later."

That's not the voice of the announcer in a Fram oil filter commercial. It's Mother Nature.

2. Survey Says...

3. Maybe he's using Swiss cheese. After all, it's "holey".

4. UFO Sightings have become quite rare.

The number of UFO sightings has diminished as the number of smart phones with cameras has increased. One would think that if there actually were UFOs we'd have more sightings with images and video just as there were for the meteor that exploded over Russia a while back. 
But there may be another reason for the drop off...

5. Help me! Help me!

6. I'll Get Straight To The Point...Seriously

There's a bunch of chatter on the internet about the supposed dangers of immunizations, and some people are refusing to have their children get their shots.
This is stupid.
But then, Americans seem to be incapable of recognizing when they're being asked to reject overwhelming scientific evidence because a small group of people don't like what that evidence says or suggests.
The benefits of immunization far outweigh the risks. For more information, click here.

7. A Question of Leadership

8. A Trip Down the Semicircular Canals

9. Cleaning the Latrine

10. It's old joke time!

Two senior citizens, Bob and Jim, were discussing their hearing problems over lunch. 
Said Bob, "I had to get a new hearing aid, and it cost me an arm and a leg, well over $1,500." 
Jim smiled and said, "Strange you should mention it. I just bot a new hearing aid myself, but it only cost me $49.95. 
Bob was astonished, and asked, "What kind is it?" 
To which Jim replied, "1:45."

11. Are you Putin me on?

12. Young Elizabeth Warren?

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