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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140420

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is food:
food |foōd|nounany nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth cans of cat food baby foods.PHRASESfood for thought something that warrants serious consideration.ORIGIN late Old English fōdaof Germanic originrelated to fodder .This week's edition of Sunday Funnies consists of an attempt to create a nourishing entrée from a disparate collection of comics with little nutritional value save as food for thought and fodder for social commentary.Disclaimer: When it comes to puns and wordplay about food, this week I'm on a roll.

1. Trolls (and biblical literalists) find figurative language unappetizing.

The New Testament doesn't say it's OK to hate, so let's cherry-pick passages from Leviticus to get around the teachings of Jesus - especially that annoying "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" admonition. (Matthew 25:40-46
It's Easter Sunday - by tradition, a day to enjoy a wholesome meal.

2. Literalism, of course, is surreal to those who enjoy and appreciate word-play.

3. Take for example, The Diet of Worms, an insalubrious bit of religious history.

Martin Luther, of course, was the dietary big mouth at that gathering; and, his appetite for truth he made him quite un-Popular. As a result, Luther was declared the main course in the Edict of Worms.

4. Naturally, where there's food, there's garbage.

In the current Congress the solution to this and every other problem is to slash funding, starve the agency into ineffectiveness, and sell off the public assets to privateers, which can then legally rape and pillage the commonwealth.

5. Starvation-based politics, like charity, begins at home.

6. The American Automat

We'll find out in November if we'll get tea or left-overs.

7. Until then, the House Cafeteria will be serving the usual fare - mystery meat.

8. The Senate will continue to wing it.

9. There are zombies among us who need brains.

10. Their own brains are so whitewashed they have no nutritional value.

11. You can keep today's comestible metaphor from becoming a culinary catastrophe.

12. Pick the ending that best suits your taste.

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