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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Funnies 141109

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is documentary:

doc-u-men-ta-ry |ˌdäkyəˈmentərē|adjectiveconsisting of official pieces of written, printed, or other matter his book is based on documentary sources.• (of a movie, a television or radio program, or photography) using pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual record or report he has directed documentary shorts and feature films.noun ( pl. -ries)a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report.
Disclaimer: Although by definition documentaries deal with facts, the content and commentary in this collection is, in fact, primarily fiction.

1. Entitlement - What's In A Name?
In the world of Frank and Ernest documentaries, there's an opportunity for punning in every title.

2. The Demise of Blockbuster, A Docudrama In Two Acts

Followup Study: How many VCRs and DVDs of movies you bought and watched once are sitting on your bookshelves gathering dust?

3. It's About Time #1

Genesis - The Masculine Version

4. It's About Time #2

Genesis - The Feminine Version

5. Imperial Rome


6. Mob Children, Learning The Family Business

7. The American Electoral System, Just How Id-iotic is it?

For more on this subject, check out yesterday's blog post.

8. Reformation Redux

Theses one you won't want to miss.

9. America's Best Interest - A 60 Minutes Investigation

10. Up the Potomac - ANational Geographic Special

Synopsis: The first African American President of the United States attempts to paddle against the prevailing political current and is stymied by:
  • an obstructionist GOP-controlled House of Representatives.
  • GOP filibusters in the Senate.
  • members of his own party, who undercut his initiatives to protect their assets.
  • a selfish and ignorant electorate, which refuses to vote yet expects the President they elected to perform miracles without their support.

11. SPF, The Case for Global Warming - A Nature Special

After this documentary airs, sales of sunscreen are expected to soar, but the prospect of meaningful legislative action is still shady.

12. SAT-istics - Examining American Education

Summary: TMI, AWHFY, DILLIGAS? (Click here if you need a refresher course in modern, simplified English.)

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