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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day (Curmudgeon Edition)

Today is the day Americans honor the brave men and women who have fought and died defending and protecting our liberty.

Today elected officials will profess their support for veterans and merchants will offer them special Veterans Day discounts. Meanwhile, many veterans sit, wounded and waiting, to receive the benefits their government promised them when they signed up to serve.

America's veterans have kept their promise to America; but, thanks to folks like those in the picture below, the elected representatives of our government are able to renege on the promises made to America's veterans.

The fault, however, does not lie solely with dolts like these, it rests equally upon the shoulders of the millions of Americans who did not even bother to vote last week but who gladly pay lip service to veterans one day a year.

I have come to the conclusion that for a large number of Americans, supporting veterans means nothing beyond wearing a flag pin on one's lapel, sticking a yellow, plastic ribbon made in China on a gas-guzzling SUV, and sending emails to friends and relatives filled with pictures from various armed conflicts bearing the words "Never Forget."

Am I cynical? Possibly. Am I angry about this? Without a doubt.

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