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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Funnies 141123

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is vive la différence:

vive la dif-fér-ence |ˈvēv(ə) lä ˌdifəˈräns|
exclamation chiefly humorous
an expression of approval of difference, esp. that between the sexes.

ORIGIN from French , literally ‘long live the difference.’

1. Vive la différence? Not if you lean right politically.

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New Oxford American Dictionary:
dif-fer-ent |ˈdif(ə)rənt|
not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality : you can play this game in different ways. | ( different from/than) the car is different from anything else on the market.• informal novel and unusual : try something deliciously different.distinct; separate : on two different occasions.
Right-Wing Talking-Point Dictionary:
dif-fer-ent |ˈdif(ə)rənt|
not like us. | He's Black.

2. I beg to differ.

It's not that bureaucracies do things half-fast; rather, it's that those who run bureaucracies tend to undertake vast projects for-vast reasons.

3. Observable Differences

4. Anatomical Differences

5. Behavioral Differences

6. Generational Difference

7. Class Differences

8. No Difference

9. It Makes A Difference

10. Healthcare Differences

#1 - Economic

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#2 - Ethical
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#3 - Administrative
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11. Differences in Perspective

12. What's The Difference?

And so, dear reader, we end with a cartoon, which illustrates a subtle fact. Quite often, the differences we detest and deride in the behavior of others are merely projections of our own prejudices.

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