The Sunday Funnies word of the week is clairvoyance.
clair-voy-ance |kle(ə)rˈvoiəns|
the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact : she stared at the card as if she could contact its writer by clairvoyance.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from French, from clair ‘clear’ + voir ‘to see.’
Let's take a peek at what you can expect to encounter in Sunday Funnies 2015:
1. Eno will make room for whatever the new year has to offer in his own, inimitable way!
2. The Pun-ishment will continue.
3. We'll learn more about what makes Calvin tick.
4. I'll continue to link idiotic behavior to right-wing conservatism.
Bob's inability to fathom the concepts of change and progress qualifies him as a viable presidential candidate for the GOP.
5. Republicans will continue to make it easy for me to do just that.
6. Americans will continue to make it easy for Republicans to deny science.
7. Euphemisms and innuendos will abound...
8. As will sarcasm and satire...
9. Along with the occasional gaffe, mistake, error, slip, faux pas, indiscretion, impropriety, miscalculation, gaucherie, solecism; informal slip-up, howler, boo-boo, fluff, flub, blooper, goof, malapropism, misuse, misapplication, infelicity, slip of the tongue, Freudian slip, and/or blunder.
10. You can count on an occasional dollop of heroic adventure and suspense.
11. As was the case in 2014, you'll be treated to gems of grammatical and linguistic pedagogy of the highest order.
12. Sunday Funnies 2015 should be fun-filled, intellectually stimulating, and profitable.
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