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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Funnies 141221 - Sino-illogical Edition

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is wordplay:

word-play |ˈwərdˌplā|
the witty exploitation of the meanings and ambiguities of words, esp. in puns.

* * *

In case you hadn't heard, at the end of November China banned wordplay, and puns in particular. The country’s print and broadcast watchdog ruled that "there is nothing funny about them," and that they "may mislead the public - especially children."

The real danger, of course, is that wordplay tends to encourages independent thinking rather than blind obedience to authority.

With that in mind, I offer the following olio, not to butter you up and not by occident, but as an attempt to orient you on your path to increasingly independent thought.

Perhaps these comics and comments will prove instrumental in helping you master the banned art form.

1. The seller was no Indian giver.

2. Computer geeks would call this an "I D ten T" error.


4. I've herd puns that served up a beefier paunch line with more mooving imagery.

5. It's a calculated risk.

6. Wordplay In The Snow - Thaw out your frozen thesaurus!

7. Now what?

8. I had to squeeze this one in.

9. Is this animal husbandry or just horsing around in a stable relationship?

10. Gift Exchange

Link to Source

Merry Christmas!

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