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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Funnies 141207

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is subtle:

sub-tle |ˈsətl|
adjective ( -tler , -tlest )
(esp. of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe : his language expresses rich and subtle meanings.
(of a mixture or effect) delicately complex and understated : subtle lighting.
making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something : he tried a more subtle approach.
capable of making fine distinctions : a subtle mind.
arranged in an ingenious and elaborate way.
archaic crafty; cunning.
subtleness noun
subtly adverb

ORIGIN Middle English (also in the sense [not easily understood] ): from Old French sotil, from Latin subtilis ‘fine, delicate.’ .

* * *

This week's selections have been carefully chosen to challenge your cognitive skills as they simultaneously and subtly tickle your funny bone.

1. Let's begin by jogging memories you may have of being a kid at Christmas Time.

2.  A Subtle, But Devilishly-Clever, Lowdown, Circular Reference

3.  A Subtly Taut Lesson In Semantics

4. A Subtly Unsubtle Coda

5. Forced Subtlety

6. Subtle Geekery

Food For Thought

7. Subtle Parenting


8. Subtle Discernment

A bonus of 5,000 Francs to your Swiss account and advancement to the accelerated ring if you lepton the subtle pun in the title. No bonus if you needed the previous sentence to discern it.

9. Subtle Levity

Perhaps you'll get a rise out of this one.

10. A Subtle Misstatement

Look carefully. You'll see the misstatement bubble to the surface in the turn of a phrase.

11. Letter Perfect Subtelty

12. Way Too Subtle For Me

Higher Mathematics?

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