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Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014 - Ghosts of Christmas Past

Now that the presents have all been unwrapped, it's time to wrap up Christmas 2014.

1. And lo, it came to pass that a simple creche succumbed to embellishment.

2. Short Lifespan

3. SONY Un-Done

4. Hearing those words, she gave a scythe of relief.

5. He filled up the stockings, and he was a jerk.

6. It's the thought that counts.

7. The cone doesn't fall far from the evergreen.

8. Clarence Sale

9. Present-ation

10. Misguided Magi

11. A Monstrosity of a Mash-up

While I appreciate Dave Blazek's attempt at humor, I must set the record - undoubtedly a 33 1/3 RPM HiFi vinyl disk narrated by Boris Karloff - straight.
The green-complected character with bolts in his neck is not Frankenstein. He is simply "the monster." Frankenstein is the mad doctor who created him. 
I'm betting the doctor is nestled all snug in his bed with visions of body parts dancing in his head, blissfully unaware of the ignorant and erroneous bestowal of his name upon his nameless creation.
But what the hay. A careful reading of the Gospel of Matthew will preclude any depiction of the Wise Men in Bethlehem on Christmas Eve, with or without a badly misnamed monster. Matthew tells us they showed up about two years later with their gifts.
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12. And a little child shall mislead them.

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13. Um...let's rethink that last comment.

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