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Monday, December 15, 2014

Sunday Funnies 141214

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is torture:

tor-ture |ˈtôr ch ər|
the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
great physical or mental suffering or anxiety : the torture I've gone through because of loving you so.
a cause of such suffering or anxiety : dances were absolute torture because I was so small.
verb [ trans. ]
inflict severe pain on : most of the victims had been brutally tortured.
cause great mental suffering or anxiety to : he was tortured by grief.
torturer noun

ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [distortion, twisting,] or a physical disorder characterized by this): via French from late Latin tortura ‘twisting, torment,’ from Latin torquere ‘to twist.’

1. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...hurts.

2. Tiny Tim has a dickens of a time asking God to bless the subjects of the previous cartoon...

3. That was then; this is now...

4. You voted for Bush and Cheney, not once, but twice. Now, take your medicine.

5. The Turn Of The Screw...And The Screwed

6. In case you didn't know...

Lady Liberty has an official name. It is Liberty Enlightening The World. However, I don't think this is quite what Auguste Bartholdi had in mind when he designed and named his statue.

7. The Story of the Mc-Cain En-Abel

Where were these words when you were supporting the morally bankrupt policies of "W" and his sadistic, self-righteous, hate-mongering Veep, Johnny-Boy?

8. The Former-Veep touts his bona fides as a sadistic, self-righteous, hate-monger.

9. As a result of his efforts, Dick has made a friend in low places.

10. Naturally, he has like-minded friends in the halls of Congress

11. The brainwashing continues every week on the Sunday morning "news" programs.

12. Coming Soon to a Classroom in Your Home Town...

13. The Truth Will Out!

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14. The End!

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