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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bilingual BS and Bigotry

Everyone knows that politicians bend, fold, staple, and mutilate the truth in order to convince voters with widely differing opinions on a subject to believe that they are on their side. Members of today's GOP, however, have brought the art of obfuscation and duplicity to an entirely new level.

They don't even attempt to hide the fact that they're lying. They tell a bald-faced lies and then claim that they never said the words despite the fact tha anyone with access to the internet can see and hear them saying on Youtube. For its part, a gullible electorate seems to be unaware that it is being duped and would rather hear what it wants to hear than to spend any time thinking about where they're being led by these lies.

Tuesday night, newly elected Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) was tabbed to deliver the official GOP response to President Obama's State of the Union Address, and Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) was to translate the identical speech into Spanish. But that's not what happened.

Sen. Ernst opposes immigration reform. Rep. Curbelo holds a different opinion on the subject. As a result, those who watched Sen. Ernst's speech heard no mention of immigration reform while those who listened to the supposedly identical Spanish "translation" heard Rep. Curbelo talk about ways to get immigration reform done by working with President Obama.

But the BS didn't stop there. Competing GOP responses to the President's speech were all the rage. There was a bungled, heavily-choreographed, prebuttal by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and not one, but two, Tea Party responses, one by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and another by Rep. Curt Clawson (R-FL).

It's clear that the GOP will go to any lengths to thwart the efforts of President Obama.

Why such lock-step animosity?

Watch the video clip to understand exactly what it is that they don't like about him.

In this bit of fiction Mel Brooks exposed an uncomfortable fact, one that many Americans claim does not exist, but which is clearly alive and well in the rhetoric and lack of respect Republican "leaders" have shown toward our President from the day he was sworn in.

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