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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150111

The Sunday Funnies words of the week are moral, ethical, honorable, virtuous, righteous, self-righteous, sanctimonious, and clueless:

You can be an ethical person without necessarily being a moral one, since ethical implies conformity with a code of fair and honest behavior, particularly in business or in a profession (: an ethical legislator who didn't believe in cutting deals), while moral refers to generally accepted standards of goodness and rightness in character and conduct—especially sexual conduct (: the moral values she'd learned from her mother).
In the same way, you can be honorable without necessarily being virtuous, since honorable suggests dealing with others in a decent and ethical manner, while virtuous implies the possession of moral excellence in character (: many honorable businesspeople fail to live a virtuous private life).
Righteous is similar in meaning to virtuous but also implies freedom from guilt or blame (: righteous anger); when the righteous person is also somewhat intolerant and narrow-minded, self-righteous might be a better adjective.
Someone who makes a hypocritical show of being righteous is often described as sanctimonious —in other words, acting like a saint without having a saintly character.

* * *

This week it's your turn to do the work by taking a little quiz.

Which of the words of the week (above) best describes...

1. the behavior of Neighbor Bob, Pig, Goat, Rat, and Stephan?

2. What about Calvin? and Hobbes?

3. The larcenists and legislators who perpetuate America's loop of largesse?

4. The mechanic with a clear view of how Congress works?

5. The employer? The intern?

6. The dilemma in each choice?

7. The dilemma the cartoonist faces?

8. The NSA?

9. America's political parties?

10. Bob, the lawyer?

11. The psychic? The King of Id? Sir Rodney?

12. The father? His son? The average American?

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How did you do?

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