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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150104

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is communing:

com-mune 2 |kəˈmyoōn|
verb [ intrans. ]
1 ( commune with) share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone or something), esp. when the exchange is on a spiritual level : the purpose of praying is to commune with God.
feel in close spiritual contact with : he spent an hour communing with nature on the bank of a stream.
2 Christian Church receive Holy Communion.

ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French comuner ‘to share,’ from comun (see common ).

1. Communing With Nature - The Wonders Of Winter

2. Miscommuning With Nature

3. Mother Nature Talks Back

4. Sign Language

5. Choice Words

6. Small Talk

7. Sagan Says: Billions and Billions of Stars Have Nothing To Say To Us

8. A Shining Specimen of Sagan's Sagacity

9. Bearly Amusing Communing

This comic strip calls for a poem - one of my eighth grade teachers told the class. Yes, it's THAT old. 
Algie saw the bear;
The bear saw Algie.
The bear was bulgy.
The bulge was Algie.
(Thank you, Mr. Tamburo.)

10. A Direct Line To A Higher Authority

11. Communing with Men Of The Cloth - GOP Style

12. Masscommunication Miscommunicated

13. A Resolution That's All Geek To Me

14. Nonverbal Communication - Enjoy!

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