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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150118

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is communication gap:

What we've got here is a failure to communicate. (line from the movie Cool Hand Luke)

The communication gap exists in many forms, thus there were way too many good items to limit this week's Sunday Funnies to the customary baker's dozen.


1. Techie vs. Luddite Gap

2. Generation Gap

3. Terminology Gap - Say what?

Maybe it means 20¢.

4. Sartorial Excellence Gap - Clothes Make The Man (a qualitative paradigm shift)

5. Newspeak News Speak Veracity Gap

6. Embracing the Gap

7. Celebrating the Gap

8. Exploiting the Gap for Gun and Prophet

9. Listener Gap - Grammar Lesson For The 1%

I'm rooting for the verb.

10. Honesty Gap - A FOX "News" True Believer Meets Reality

This is precisely why such people will continue to watch FOX and deny science.

11. Patriotic Propaganda Gap - A Middle-Class American Meets Reality

It's wise to check our who's peddling a product before you empty your bank account.

12. Comprehension Gap - Can you hear me now? ... No!

Mitt Romney, Miracle Cure for No Known Disease

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13. Integrity Gap

Appearing nightly on your favorite, corporate-owned, cable "news" channel...
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14. A candidate and a cartoonist walk into a communication gap...

While I appreciate Mike Lukovich's effort and agree with his characterization of Romney as an effete dilettante, I am compelled to point out that despite his knowledge of haberdashery, he is out of his depth when it comes to geometry. A chapeau is undoubtedly a hat, but a ring is in no wise equivalent to a sphere.
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15. Biblical Literalism Gap

But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. (Matt 6:3) 
This quote is from the Sermon on the Mount and deals with proper behavior when giving to charity. For the GOP, of course, everything is part of the Sermon on the Amount with the tacit understanding that charity begins not at home, but in one's wallet.

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16. Gap Between The Ears

17 Timing Gap

18. Missed Opportunity Gap

19. All Hat, No Cattle Gap

Those who place a greater value on the titles others bear than on the behavior of those who bear them effectively surrender their right to think for themselves. 
Those who use their titles to accumulate power and wealth deserve no title but that of charlatan.
  1. The "Max Height 12 Feet" clearly indicates that this is America, not Italy.
  2. Pope Francis has shown that he places greater value on behavior than titles, and it's driving the entitled hierarchy crazy.

20. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Gap? ... What gap? It's not even close.

In today's America truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Fake news programs like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report from The Comedy Channel are infinitely more credible than anything one sees on America's No. 1 cable "News"  network. Oh...and Benghazi!

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