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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Day After Christmas Comics Fun

It's two days after the night before Christmas. All is still calm; all is still bright. The Mar-A-Lago Moron must be sleeping off a holiday eggnog binge because he hasn't dropped a bag of manure on America since he signed the GOP tax scam.

Thus, of Mockingbirds and Sacred Cows will extend its break from politics for another day and offer the comics that tickled my funny-bone on the day after Christmas.


1. Oh deer!

If Rudolph's nose is killing him, just imagine how Randolph The Brown-Nosed Reindeer must feel. (Note: Those who already know about Randolph can skip clicking the link.) 😎

2. ProcRATSination?

How many of you actually wrote thank you notes to the people who gave you presents when you were a child?

3. The Bare Facts

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Evergreen is not Mr. Tree's favorite Barbara Streisand song.

4. Flight Of Fancy

I wonder if Santa suffers from jet lag after his round-the-world Christmas Eve jaunt.

5. The Main Drawback Of Seasonal Employment

Rudolph probably wouldn't need to file for unemployment if Santa compensated him for mileage.

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6. The Ghost Of Christmas Presents

It appears that Eno Camino may be coming unwrapped, but I heard that his psychiatrist offered him a package deal.

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7. Editor's Choice

Because all good things come to an end, the last comic will prepare you for the next bag of manure which will inevitably come from Trump.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Comics Fun

All is calm; all is bright. The Mar-A-Lago Moron has not proclaimed Christmas Day to be one of his first year accomplishments…yet, so let's take a break from politics and enjoy a collection comics which tickled my funny-bone in the past week or so.

I've arranged them in order from Smile to Chuckle, to Ha-ha and on to LMAO.

Your results may vary. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Republican Christmas - Part 3

The Three Wise Men

In traditional Christmas mythology countless nativity displays and Christmas cards depict Mary, Joseph, shepherds with sheep and lambs, and Three Wise Men astride camels, often knee-deep in snow, worshiping the infant Jesus, who is lying in a manger lit by a beam from a brightly shining star.

Both common knowledge and the Bible supply multiple reasons to question the validity of such an image.

Lambs are born in the spring, not in December, and snow in Bethlehem is as rare as Donald Trump or Fox "News" telling the truth. As for the Three Wise Men, the gospel of Matthew says:
1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men[a] from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose[b] and have come to worship him. (Matthew 2:1-2)
Furthermore, Jesus was around two years old when the Three Wise Men arrived to worship the king of the Jews. Their visit to Herod precipitated The Slaughter of The innocents (Matthew 2:13-23).
16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. 
I tell you all this as prologue to introducing you to our modern triumvirate of Christmas gift givers...

The Three Wise Guys of Republican Christmas 2017

They're named Mitch, Paul, and Donald, but I prefer to think of them as Larry, Curly, and Moe.

This Republican Christmas card shows us that The Wise Guys are really three asses riding camels.

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In this image, Larry and Curly have ditched their camels for a limo driven by Moe, their pimp.

Larry brings a bucket loaded with kickbacks and contributions to his PAC.

Moe gives Christmas cards to those who have proven their loyalty to him with cash contributions.

Curly offers himself as a living example of the generosity of the GOP.

God bless us, every one.
–Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens)

Merry Fucking Republican Christmas!

Let us PREY!
–The Three Wise Guys

God help us, every one.
–Yours Truly, George A. Denino

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Merry Republican Christmas! - Part 2

A Facebook friend, made the following observation about the just-passed Republican tax scam and efforts to pass it off as benefitting the middle class:
The trouble is that the Republicans have manipulated this so that it's going to **look like** a tax break to a lot of people. But the reality is that most people will eventually see take-ways to compensate for the tax losses, like losing ability to get health care, perhaps future cuts in social security. 
So Democrats are going to need a good, simple and clear communication strategy to tell people what they are actually losing in exchange for some very paltry tax break.
My friend is absolutely correct in her analysis of what's needed from the Democrats, but I am not optimistic about that need being met.

Past history gives the Republicans plenty of reason to believe that the Democrats will not be able to unify behind "a good, simple and clear" response. A famous quote illustrates the reason for my skepticism.
I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.
–Will Rogers
Putting aside talk about a succinct and effective Democratic message, I find it interesting and devilishly ironic that during the time of the year when Christians are preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, bible-thumping, self-righteous Republicans have devised a plan that harkens back to his death. They have created a subterfuge within their tax reform package with which they hope to convince the middle class to play the part of Judas.

The Pharisees gave Judas forty pieces of silver to betray Jesus with a kiss.

Modern-day pharisees of the Republican party are offering the middle class a forty dollar pay hike to betray their fellow citizens with kisses to the asses of Trump, McConnell, Ryan, et al.

A forty dollar temporary pay increase and thirteen million people losing access to healthcare.

Merry Fucking Republican Christmas!

Let us PREY!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Merry Republican Christmas! - Part 1

Now that the take America back to the past Republicans control all three branches of government, Americans face an increasingly ominous economic, political, social, and physical future.

But, hey! It's Christmas.

The Grinch in the White House has declared that Happy Holidays! is out, and Merry Christmas! is in once again, despite the fact that it was never actually gone.

Furthermore, the Grinch has assured us that everything will be much better, better than ever before in the history of the United States if only we believe him; and the Grinch should certainly know because his net worth has grown three sizes since his inauguration.

Unfortunately, the net worth of most Americans hasn't grown. Instead, it has shrunk, and it's about to take a major hit with the impending passage of the GOP tax scam.

Well, friends, that's the way the cookie crumbles and the trickle-down rolls.

But, hey! It's Christmas.

So, break out the egg nog, deck the halls with boughs of holly, chop down and decorate a tree, kill the fatted goose, and enjoy a sneak peek at the presents you'll find under the tree in

Christmas Yet To Come!

Diminished Expectations

An All-out Attack On Democratic Norms

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The Erosion Of Equality (Was it ever more than a myth to con the masses?)

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Alternate Facts (You WILL believe what The Grinch tells you!)

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With total denial of scientific evidence as the new norm, the lyrics of at least one traditional Christmas song will need to be updated in order to fit with a new reality.

To that end I offer the following...
Wet Christmas (sung to the tune of White Christmas) 
I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the people sloshes in their galoshes
Because there isn't any snow.
I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
With every Christmas card I get.
May the new year find you in debt;
And may all your Christmas be wet.

Merry Fucking Republican Christmas!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Horse Of A Different Color - Adios, Roy Moore!

On September 16, 2017, Roy Moore rode a brown horse to the polls to vote in the Republican primary.

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Moore could not have chosen a better symbol to illustrate exactly who he is and what he stands for.

He sits atop a brown and white horse – the colors of the people over whom he has ridden roughshod for four decades while spouting hatred and bigotry in the form passages cherry-picked from the Bible and used to divide rather than unite the people he claims he is serving.

He rides as if sitting in a comfortable recliner – appropriate for Alabama Republicans, who have had a lock on elections since the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

He rides past two modern automobiles on a horse – a reversion to the past, the days of Jim Crow, the KKK, and church bombings where little girls are killed by dynamite because of the color of their skin.

Last Tuesday he lost his bid to become a U.S. Senator, and the people of Alabama won.

Adios, Roy Moore!
Don't let the stable door hit you in the ass.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

AlaBAM! - Harper Lee Would Be Proud

If you have never read the description beneath the title of this blog, I suggest you do so before continuing…

To Kill A Mockingbird is my all-time, favorite novel. It stands alone in my mind as the most essential treatise on race relations, religion, and politics in America. I urge those who have never read it to do so; and I urge them to read it even more strongly if they've only seen the movie version.

At the end of Tom Robinson's trial, Harper Lee exposed and explored the  unspoken, "cynical confidence" which allowed racial prejudice to trump truth and deny justice in her home state of Alabama as well as much of America.
And so a quiet, respectable, humble Negro who had the unmitigated temerity to 'feel sorry' for a white woman has had to put his word against two white people’s. I need not remind you of their appearance and conduct on the stand—you saw them for yourselves. The witnesses for the state, with the exception of the sheriff of Maycomb County, have presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court, in the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption—the evil assumption—that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber.
Today, I offer a rewrite of that passage. I believe it accurately sums up the dynamics that led to the outcome of yesterday's special election in Alabama.
And so a group of quiet, respectable, humble women who had the unmitigated temerity to speak out against pedophilia and sexual predation have had to put their word against the twice-removed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, the national Republican party, and the President of the United States. I need not remind you of their posturing and conduct in recent election campaigns—you saw them for yourselves. The political associates of the Republican candidate, with the exception of the senior senator of the state, have presented themselves to the voters of Alabama and the nation in the cynical confidence that their endorsement would not be questioned, confident that a majority would go along with them on the assumptions—the evil assumptions—that all women lie, that all women are basically immoral beings, and that all Republican men who wrap themselves in the flag and glibly quote from the Bible are to be trusted around women and teenage girls, assumptions one associates with minds of their caliber.
Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the inception of the Republican Southern Strategy, the election of Roy Moore to the U.S. Senate would have been as inevitable as the guilty verdict handed down in the fictional trial of a black man in Alabama in 1935.

Yesterday, the people of Alabama rejected the "cynical confidence" of Roy Moore, the Republican party, and Donald Trump.

Harper Lee would be proud.

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Most Unkindest Tax Cut Of All - Et tu, GOP?

Beware the ides of December.

Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on On March 15, 44 B.C. by members of the Roman Senate who feared losing power.

Today, Republican politicians have complete control of the government, and the American middle class stands to suffer the same fate at their hands. Instead of knives, they will use the so-called tax reform bill currently working its way through a House/Senate conference committee and expected to be signed into law by Christmas.

Two comics by Joel Pett, editorial cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader, capture perfectly the backstabbing essence of this bill.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Narcissist-In-Chief: Self & Right-Wing Images

With so much funny business emanating from the White House, I think it's fair game to use the funny papers to set the record straight about the Narcissist-In-Chief who occupies the Oval Office.


A comparison of his actions to what he says and tweets makes a strong argument that Trump may truly believe he is Snoopy. Both are unquestionably works of fiction, but that is where the similarity ends.

Here are the differences:

Snoopy is a lovable, cartoon dog whose cartoon antics lift our spirits.

Trump is a dangerous, reality TV personality whose actions make a mockery of the Constitution and the rule of law.

The Right-Wing Image

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Unlike Eno Camino in the comic strip, Trump supporters and the right-wing propaganda machine led by Fox News are not in the least interested in keeping it believable.

They paint a portrait of The Narcissist-In-Chief as a competent, bold, steady leader, which strongly suggests that they are wearing rose-colored glasses as they look at his reflection in a fun-house mirror.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

GOP Three-Card Monte

Three-card Monte – also known as find the lady and three-card trick – is a confidence game in which the victim, or "mark", is tricked into betting a sum of money, on the assumption that they can find the "money card" among three face-down playing cards. It is the same as the shell game except that cards are used instead of shells.[1]

In its full form, three-card Monte is an example of a classic "short con"[2] in which a shill pretends to conspire with the mark to cheat the dealer, while in fact conspiring with the dealer to cheat the mark. The mark has no chance whatsoever of winning, at any point in the game. In fact, anyone who is observed winning anything in the game can be presumed to be a shill.

This confidence trick was already in use by the turn of the 15th century.[3]

~ ~ ~

Instead of shells or cards, Republicans are using the three branches of government, all of which they control, to run the classic three-card monte scam.

In this version of the con, Fox News is the shill and Americans in the middle and lower classes are the marks.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Where's Donnie?

Donald Trump's heads a real estate empire. His lawyer, John Dowd, appears to be totally unaware that in real estate Location, location, location! is rule number one.

Dowd claims that because Trump occupies the Oval Office he is above the law.

I think Dowd needs a new GPS.

Given his marital record, business history, and performance in office, Donald Trump is unquestionably beneath contempt.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Pin The Caption On The Elephant

Republicans like playing games with the public. One of their favorites involves claiming the moral high-ground while conducting under-cover operations at the bottom of the cesspool.

Next week's special senatorial election in Alabama is such a game.

The family values Republicans are backing a pedophile who preyed upon teenage girls when he was in his thirties. His opponent successfully prosecuted two Ku Klux Klan perpetrators of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing which killed four young African-American girls.

So, if it's games they want, today's post offers the following game you can play on them. It's called Pin The Caption On The Elephant, and the rules are simple. Pick your favorite caption for the Jim Morin cartoon below from the following list, or write one of your own and add it as a comment.

A. Southern Exposure
B. Look Away Dixieland
C. The South Shall Rise Again

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Disconnected GOP (Items 4, 5, and 6)

disconnected |ËŒdiskəˈnektÉ™dadjectivehaving a connection broken: he expected the disconnected phone to start ringing.• [predicative(of a person) lacking contact with reality: I drove away, feeling disconnected from the real world.• (of speech, writing, or thought) lacking a logical sequence; incoherent: a disconnected narrative.
In the comics and comments below I will continue to illustrate and explore how disconnected the once rational GOP has become from the real world and the lives of the American people.

We'll begin with another comic strip.

Item 4: Congressional Leaders (They know what's best for you.)

Mitch and Paul know what's best for the pee-ons they claim to be serving. So does Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, who has this to say about why he supports the repeal of the estate tax.
I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing, as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it's on booze or women or movies.

Item 5: The Electorate (AKA The Base)

Managers need people to manage. The more gullible they are, the better.

Are Donald Trumps Supporters Idiots?
Jared Kushner 'admitted Donald Trump lies to his base because he thinks they're stupid'

Item 6: Promoting Christian, Family Values (My Pedophile Right Or Wrong.)

RNC to support Roy Moore in Senate race in Alabama, weeks after cutting ties with his campaign

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Disconnected GOP (Items 1, 2 and 3)

disconnected |ËŒdiskəˈnektÉ™dadjectivehaving a connection broken: he expected the disconnected phone to start ringing.• [predicative(of a person) lacking contact with reality: I drove away, feeling disconnected from the real world.• (of speech, writing, or thought) lacking a logical sequence; incoherent: a disconnected narrative.
The GOP has taken its cue from The Donald and embraced a total disdain for facts. Unfortunately, over thirty years of right-wing propaganda has brainwashed a large portion of the American electorate into accepting unsubstantiated opinions and alternate facts (i.e. lies) as being of equal value to researched and verified factual information.

For its part, the media have been complicit in this flight from fact to fantasy. They have allowed blatant lies to go unchallenged out of fear that the liars will no longer grant them interviews. Simultaneously, Fox "News" has provided a separate-but-unequal forum where those liars have been portrayed as paragons of truth to the growing throng of the brainwashed by fawning shills for the Koch Brothers posing as journalists.

In the comics and comments below I will attempt to illustrate and explore how disconnected the once rational GOP has become from the real world and the lives of the American people.

Let's start with a simple question posed by America's favorite engineer and proceed to the evidence.

Why is it that the nuttiest people define reality?

Item 1: Healthcare (If you're not well-off, you don't deserve it.)

Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated.– Donald J. Trump, February 27, 2017

Item 2: Climate Change (For starters, Trump called it a Chinese hoax.)

What Has Trump Said About Global Warming
How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science

Item 3: Tax Reform (The GOP plan is as helpful to the middle class as a wart transplant.)

How the Republican tax bill benefits the rich, according to government analysis 
Who benefits from GOP tax plan? "The wealthy," Bloomberg editor says
"We Want Our Money Back!" The Rallying Cry of the 99% After GOP Tax Scam Bill Passes Senate

Friday, December 1, 2017

The GOP's Tax Reform Scam in Pictures

1. The Senate passes a bill without knowing what it contains in order to tell voters that they did something.

2. The President gets behind the legislation.

3. It's the same old story but with a new twist.

Any Questions?