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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Merry Republican Christmas! - Part 1

Now that the take America back to the past Republicans control all three branches of government, Americans face an increasingly ominous economic, political, social, and physical future.

But, hey! It's Christmas.

The Grinch in the White House has declared that Happy Holidays! is out, and Merry Christmas! is in once again, despite the fact that it was never actually gone.

Furthermore, the Grinch has assured us that everything will be much better, better than ever before in the history of the United States if only we believe him; and the Grinch should certainly know because his net worth has grown three sizes since his inauguration.

Unfortunately, the net worth of most Americans hasn't grown. Instead, it has shrunk, and it's about to take a major hit with the impending passage of the GOP tax scam.

Well, friends, that's the way the cookie crumbles and the trickle-down rolls.

But, hey! It's Christmas.

So, break out the egg nog, deck the halls with boughs of holly, chop down and decorate a tree, kill the fatted goose, and enjoy a sneak peek at the presents you'll find under the tree in

Christmas Yet To Come!

Diminished Expectations

An All-out Attack On Democratic Norms

link to source

The Erosion Of Equality (Was it ever more than a myth to con the masses?)

link to source

Alternate Facts (You WILL believe what The Grinch tells you!)

link to source


With total denial of scientific evidence as the new norm, the lyrics of at least one traditional Christmas song will need to be updated in order to fit with a new reality.

To that end I offer the following...
Wet Christmas (sung to the tune of White Christmas) 
I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the people sloshes in their galoshes
Because there isn't any snow.
I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas
With every Christmas card I get.
May the new year find you in debt;
And may all your Christmas be wet.

Merry Fucking Republican Christmas!

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