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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Day After Christmas Comics Fun

It's two days after the night before Christmas. All is still calm; all is still bright. The Mar-A-Lago Moron must be sleeping off a holiday eggnog binge because he hasn't dropped a bag of manure on America since he signed the GOP tax scam.

Thus, of Mockingbirds and Sacred Cows will extend its break from politics for another day and offer the comics that tickled my funny-bone on the day after Christmas.


1. Oh deer!

If Rudolph's nose is killing him, just imagine how Randolph The Brown-Nosed Reindeer must feel. (Note: Those who already know about Randolph can skip clicking the link.) 😎

2. ProcRATSination?

How many of you actually wrote thank you notes to the people who gave you presents when you were a child?

3. The Bare Facts

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Evergreen is not Mr. Tree's favorite Barbara Streisand song.

4. Flight Of Fancy

I wonder if Santa suffers from jet lag after his round-the-world Christmas Eve jaunt.

5. The Main Drawback Of Seasonal Employment

Rudolph probably wouldn't need to file for unemployment if Santa compensated him for mileage.

link to source

6. The Ghost Of Christmas Presents

It appears that Eno Camino may be coming unwrapped, but I heard that his psychiatrist offered him a package deal.

link to source

7. Editor's Choice

Because all good things come to an end, the last comic will prepare you for the next bag of manure which will inevitably come from Trump.

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