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Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Horse Of A Different Color - Adios, Roy Moore!

On September 16, 2017, Roy Moore rode a brown horse to the polls to vote in the Republican primary.

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Moore could not have chosen a better symbol to illustrate exactly who he is and what he stands for.

He sits atop a brown and white horse – the colors of the people over whom he has ridden roughshod for four decades while spouting hatred and bigotry in the form passages cherry-picked from the Bible and used to divide rather than unite the people he claims he is serving.

He rides as if sitting in a comfortable recliner – appropriate for Alabama Republicans, who have had a lock on elections since the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

He rides past two modern automobiles on a horse – a reversion to the past, the days of Jim Crow, the KKK, and church bombings where little girls are killed by dynamite because of the color of their skin.

Last Tuesday he lost his bid to become a U.S. Senator, and the people of Alabama won.

Adios, Roy Moore!
Don't let the stable door hit you in the ass.

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