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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170430 Ain't It The Truth?

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is Truth.

1. Pravda

2. Truth In Advertising

3. Simple Truth

4. Dangerous Truth

5. The Whole Truth

6. An Inconvenient Truth


7. Biblical Truth

8. Oh So True

9. True That!

10. The Honest To God Truth

11. No Truth…or Consequences Apparently

12.  A Final Truth

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170423 Clarification

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is clarification.

clarification |ˌklerəfəˈkāSH(ə)nnounthe action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible: please advise us if you require further clarification | [as count noun:  the remaining changes are small clarifications.A picture is definitely worth a thousand words when used to clarify an idiomatic expression, but comics and cartoons with dialog work better when the subjects are political, religious, or social in nature.You'll find both in this week's collection along with some comics which are little more than "a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing."What you won't find are editorial comments. These comics and cartoons speak for themselves.1. Mission Accomplished(the long version)

(the short version)

2. Human Relations

3. Religious Views

4. Imagine That

5. Political Parties

6. Immaturity

7. Conservative Position

8. Truth In Advertising

9. Subtext

10. Context

11. '…!

12. You Betcha!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170416 The Mind of Trump

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is The Mind of Trump.

Nature abhors a vacuum, but the unnatural vacuum inside the orange-carpeted cranium of Donald J. Trump is like no other.

Today we'll explore how it came to be and take a peek inside.

Caution: You will need a full oxygen tank and a properly functioning mask to survive.

1. In The Beginning
'Tis education forms the common mind; just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.
–Alexander Pope

2. Infallability

Young Donald discovered he could always be right when he recognized the effectiveness of this doctrine: 
if reality doesn't agree with belief, reality is wrong.

3. Scholarship

As a student, Donald used multiple resources to prepare for tests. Unfortunately, none of them were fact based.
He still uses the same resource. After all, he knows he can rely on the infallibility doctrine.

4. Consistency

Donald's attention span appears to be about the same length as that of a goldfish...three seconds.
That's OK. He knows he's infallible.

5Infallible Strategic Planning

This corollary to Trump's infallibility doctrine has recently surfaced:
Shoot first, then announce the target.

6. Compassion

Donald loves children. Bigly! 
Well, he says he does, but apparently his love for kids doesn't require him to make decisions based on what's good for them.  That's especially true when what's good for them is in conflict with what's good for him, and everyone knows that what's good for Donald is good for America, right?

7. Clouded Vision

Trump gets the "facts" on which he bases his decisions from watching FOX "News."

8. Green Army Guy

Most men Trump's age played with green, plastic, army figures when they were boys. Trump, however, has become one.

9. Autobiography

Yes, I know a novel is a work of fiction and an autobiography is nonfiction, but we're talking about Trump. He doesn't know the difference.

10. Performance Assessment

Read the subject line with extra emphasis on the Ass.

11. A Pre-Posthumous Epitaph...

I believe that Trump should order this headstone now. Nothing he does in the future will change the accuracy of the message; plus, he'll get the headstone it at today's pre-inflation rate. Such a deal!

12. …and A Pre-Posthumous Encounter with Karma

One can only hope...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170409 A Brief Escape From Reality

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is vacuous.

vacuous |ˈvakyo͞oəs|

having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless: a vacuous smile | vacuous slogans.
archaic empty.
News headlines of the past week have been a testament to the vacuous nature of the mind of Donald J. Trump.

In tribute, this week's edition of Sunday Funnies offers an escape from reality with comics and cartoons that completely ignore serious issues like White House-orchestrated efforts to undermine an ongoing investigation into possible treason, the use of cruise missiles to make a clueless oaf look presidential, or the hijacking of the Supreme Court. 


1. Raison d'être 

2. Bull

3. Glitch

4. Lost At Sea


6. Communication Gap

7. Accept No Substitute

8. Innovation

9. Letter Perfect

10. Nothing But Crap

That's all, folks. Back to reality next week.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The GOP's Illusion of Patriotism

This optical illusion percolated in my mind for several days until I realized it was a perfect visual metaphor for the fake patriotism the GOP uses to bamboozle Americans into voting against their own best interests.

Think about it.

In this picture, a strategically placed shadow of a flag makes the woman at the microphone appear to hover above the sand. The GOP uses a similar flag-shadow illusion as a mainstay in the its electoral strategy.

Republicans systematically wrap themselves in the flag and claim to be on a patriotically higher plane than their opponents in every election and political discussion.

Using the deception of trading form for substance, they wear flag pins and label anyone not wearing such a pin unpatriotic. Yet, once in office, they work to establish policies designed to materially undermine the Constitution and to deny the rights of those they consider to be their political and social enemies.

To these ideologues the flag is nothing but a useful shadow, the absence of light, with which they prop up the dark illusion of their self-proclaimed, counterfeit superiority.

The flag is indeed a powerful symbol, but I have yet to see a flag, let alone the shadow of one, bring improvements to the lives of of the citizenry. That job falls to those willing to stand in the sand helping the people who do the actual work of building our nation.

Those who hover above their fellow citizens on the shadow of a deception are not patriots. They are, at best, small-minded charlatans; and, in today's America, they may quite possibly be willing collaborators working to sell out our nation to the highest bidder for personal gain.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170402 The War on Mother Nature

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is The War on Mother Nature.

Despite the fertilizer right-wing science deniers continue to spread, global warming is real, and human generated carbon dioxide emissions are the engine driving the planet to an uncertain future where life as we know it may not survive.

In effect, humanity appears to have decided that waging an unwinnable war on Mother Nature for short-term, tribal-driven economic gains is preferable cooperating with rival tribes to ensure the survival of humanity.

1. Timeline for a Siege

From the primordial ooze and back again.

2. Weapon Deployment

When the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

3. Information Specialists

Every war needs to be sold. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Being a clown with a smile painted on your face makes it easier to lie to the people who will get stuck with the bills.

4. Civilian Control

The doctrine of civilian control of the military is one of the most important aspects of a democratic government. It is supposed to prevent the establishment of a military dictatorship. Just as important, however, is for the civilian in charge to be an honest, capable, and responsible leader. 
Our current civilian leader does not meet those qualifications, nor does the person he has chosen to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

5. Military Footprint

Deforestation gives climate change a double-whammy. 
Trees eat carbon dioxide. They take it from the atmosphere, use the carbon to build complex molecules, and release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Fewer trees means less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere and less breathable oxygen is being added.

6. Unintended Consequences

The law of unintended consequences, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people—and especially of government—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. Economists and other social scientists have heeded its power for centuries; for just as long, politicians and popular opinion have largely ignored it.

Unintended Consequences by Robert Norton

7. The Rationale

Rather than address the causes of climate change, the Trump administration and Congress has chosen to deny that it exists and at the same time to prepare for what they know where their denial will lead us. They're quite good at talking out of both sides of their mouths that way.

8. The Road To Victory

Unlike the road to Hell, this road is not paved with good intentions, unless you believe greed and unbridled power are good.

9. Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

noun - a simple bomb made and used by unofficial or unauthorized forces 
IEDs pose a significant threat to those tasked with protecting American interests in the world. 
This particular IED is a double threat. It goes off in the wee hours of the morning in the form of tweets and again during the day in written form to undermine American interests and replace them with policies designed to benefit the IED himself.

10. Dereliction Of Duty

the shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations
Mother Nature "is just chemistry, biology, and physics," Watson likes to say. "Everything she does is just the sum of those three things. she's completely amoral. She doesn't care about poetry or oat or whether you go to church. You can't negotiate with her, and you can't spin her and you can't evade her rules. All you can do is fit in as a species. And when a species doesn't learn to fit in with Mother Nature, it gets kicked out." It's that simple, says Watson, and that's why "every day you look in the mirror now, you're seeing an endangered species."
Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman - p. 139
Note: The Watson mentioned in the section above is "Rob Watson, CEO of EcoTech International and one of the best environmental minds in America." – ibid. p. 6