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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170423 Clarification

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is clarification.

clarification |ˌklerəfəˈkāSH(ə)nnounthe action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible: please advise us if you require further clarification | [as count noun:  the remaining changes are small clarifications.A picture is definitely worth a thousand words when used to clarify an idiomatic expression, but comics and cartoons with dialog work better when the subjects are political, religious, or social in nature.You'll find both in this week's collection along with some comics which are little more than "a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing."What you won't find are editorial comments. These comics and cartoons speak for themselves.1. Mission Accomplished(the long version)

(the short version)

2. Human Relations

3. Religious Views

4. Imagine That

5. Political Parties

6. Immaturity

7. Conservative Position

8. Truth In Advertising

9. Subtext

10. Context

11. '…!

12. You Betcha!

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