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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170409 A Brief Escape From Reality

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is vacuous.

vacuous |ˈvakyo͞oəs|

having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless: a vacuous smile | vacuous slogans.
archaic empty.
News headlines of the past week have been a testament to the vacuous nature of the mind of Donald J. Trump.

In tribute, this week's edition of Sunday Funnies offers an escape from reality with comics and cartoons that completely ignore serious issues like White House-orchestrated efforts to undermine an ongoing investigation into possible treason, the use of cruise missiles to make a clueless oaf look presidential, or the hijacking of the Supreme Court. 


1. Raison d'être 

2. Bull

3. Glitch

4. Lost At Sea


6. Communication Gap

7. Accept No Substitute

8. Innovation

9. Letter Perfect

10. Nothing But Crap

That's all, folks. Back to reality next week.

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