In effect, humanity appears to have decided that waging an unwinnable war on Mother Nature for short-term, tribal-driven economic gains is preferable cooperating with rival tribes to ensure the survival of humanity.
1. Timeline for a Siege
From the primordial ooze and back again.
2. Weapon Deployment
From the primordial ooze and back again.
2. Weapon Deployment
When the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
When the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
3. Information Specialists
3. Information Specialists
Every war needs to be sold. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Being a clown with a smile painted on your face makes it easier to lie to the people who will get stuck with the bills.
4. Civilian Control
Every war needs to be sold. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Being a clown with a smile painted on your face makes it easier to lie to the people who will get stuck with the bills.
4. Civilian Control
The doctrine of civilian control of the military is one of the most important aspects of a democratic government. It is supposed to prevent the establishment of a military dictatorship. Just as important, however, is for the civilian in charge to be an honest, capable, and responsible leader.
Our current civilian leader does not meet those qualifications, nor does the person he has chosen to head the Environmental Protection Agency.
5. Military Footprint
5. Military Footprint
Deforestation gives climate change a double-whammy.
Trees eat carbon dioxide. They take it from the atmosphere, use the carbon to build complex molecules, and release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Fewer trees means less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere and less breathable oxygen is being added.
6. Unintended Consequences
Deforestation gives climate change a double-whammy.
Trees eat carbon dioxide. They take it from the atmosphere, use the carbon to build complex molecules, and release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Fewer trees means less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere and less breathable oxygen is being added.
6. Unintended Consequences
The law of unintended consequences, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people—and especially of government—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. Economists and other social scientists have heeded its power for centuries; for just as long, politicians and popular opinion have largely ignored it.
– Unintended Consequences by Robert Norton
7. The Rationale
7. The Rationale
Rather than address the causes of climate change, the Trump administration and Congress has chosen to deny that it exists and at the same time to prepare for what they know where their denial will lead us. They're quite good at talking out of both sides of their mouths that way.
8. The Road To Victory
Rather than address the causes of climate change, the Trump administration and Congress has chosen to deny that it exists and at the same time to prepare for what they know where their denial will lead us. They're quite good at talking out of both sides of their mouths that way.
8. The Road To Victory
Unlike the road to Hell, this road is not paved with good intentions, unless you believe greed and unbridled power are good.
9. Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
Unlike the road to Hell, this road is not paved with good intentions, unless you believe greed and unbridled power are good.
9. Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
noun - a simple bomb made and used by unofficial or unauthorized forces
IEDs pose a significant threat to those tasked with protecting American interests in the world.
This particular IED is a double threat. It goes off in the wee hours of the morning in the form of tweets and again during the day in written form to undermine American interests and replace them with policies designed to benefit the IED himself.
10. Dereliction Of Duty
noun - a simple bomb made and used by unofficial or unauthorized forces
IEDs pose a significant threat to those tasked with protecting American interests in the world.
This particular IED is a double threat. It goes off in the wee hours of the morning in the form of tweets and again during the day in written form to undermine American interests and replace them with policies designed to benefit the IED himself.
10. Dereliction Of Duty
the shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations
Mother Nature "is just chemistry, biology, and physics," Watson likes to say. "Everything she does is just the sum of those three things. she's completely amoral. She doesn't care about poetry or oat or whether you go to church. You can't negotiate with her, and you can't spin her and you can't evade her rules. All you can do is fit in as a species. And when a species doesn't learn to fit in with Mother Nature, it gets kicked out." It's that simple, says Watson, and that's why "every day you look in the mirror now, you're seeing an endangered species."
– Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman - p. 139
Note: The Watson mentioned in the section above is "Rob Watson, CEO of EcoTech International and one of the best environmental minds in America." – ibid. p. 6
the shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations
Mother Nature "is just chemistry, biology, and physics," Watson likes to say. "Everything she does is just the sum of those three things. she's completely amoral. She doesn't care about poetry or oat or whether you go to church. You can't negotiate with her, and you can't spin her and you can't evade her rules. All you can do is fit in as a species. And when a species doesn't learn to fit in with Mother Nature, it gets kicked out." It's that simple, says Watson, and that's why "every day you look in the mirror now, you're seeing an endangered species."
– Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman - p. 139
Note: The Watson mentioned in the section above is "Rob Watson, CEO of EcoTech International and one of the best environmental minds in America." – ibid. p. 6
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