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Monday, August 11, 2014

Ayn Rand Paul

If you watch Wheel of Fortune you are familiar with this category:
Before & After: Introduced on February 27, 1989. Consists of two phrases, names, etc. combined by a word that ends the first and starts the second (e.g., WHEEL OF FORTUNE COOKIE, which combines "Wheel of Fortune" and "fortune cookie"). Perhaps to make the answer structure more obvious, most Before & After puzzles in the late 2000s have the connecting word on its own line if possible.
The category popped into my mind along with the title of today's blog post as I watched a video, which my friend David sent to me this morning, and which I share below.

If you ignore the crude language (the narrator is Steve Shives, after all), and if you do not dismiss Shives out of hand because he is an avowed atheist, I believe you might find it interesting and perhaps even understand why it led to this blog. 

I believe there is a solid Before and After link between the author and the would-be future leader of the free world. It is a divisive, self-serviong philosophy based on greed. Ironically and perversely, it is the philosophy which now drives the agenda of the once-proud Party of Lincoln. This should give pause to any thinking American, especially those who habitually vote Republican.

If the back end of the Ayn Rand Paul link secures the GOP nomination, wins the 2016 election, and moves into the White House, average Americans might well find themselves appearing on Wheel of Misfortune where all the prizes automatically go to the contestant with the most cash.

Thanks for the video, David.

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