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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sunday Funnies (Overflow Edition) 140806

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is caught in the act:

This week brought an overabundance of excellent comics and cartoons on the chosen theme. As a result, I was caught in the act of publishing a special midweek edition of Sunday Funnies on a Wednesday.


1. If they were capable of telling the truth...

2. Isle bet they'll get their just deserts. (I like pun-ishment with clichés.)

3. I believe that's Auntie Social sitting by the gazebo.

4. Helen's clandestine, terpsichorean adventure comes a cropper.

5. Dr. Cliff is such a cutup.

6. Conservative Humor - see oxymoron

7. The officer has that glazed look in his eyes.

8. Tonight in Area 51 - Dancing With The Stars (see #4 above)

9. It's not the designer baggage one might expect a Pope to carry.

10. Ranger Smith, Miscreant

11.  Defensive Weapons - see oxymoron

Note to political leaders: If you give someone a gift, you cannot dictate how it can and cannot be used. You control only the giving part of the transaction.

12. This one's quite a stretch.

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