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Friday, August 29, 2014

The Persistence of Prejudice - Rejecting Complicity

If you received this email from a friend as I did today, you may have felt a bit of vague discomfort when you read it. At least I hope you did.

Here's a Facebook posting/photo of the innocent Mr. Brown that you probably won't see on NBC.  He's probably just relaxing a little after studying for finals.  Wonder if Holder will have it in his file that he uses to crucify the policeman who shot Brown.  Nah, we need to keep using that picture of that sweet little boy with his headphones. 
Messages like this one, which carries an odious propaganda payload, require a response, and I'm always willing to oblige. As mentioned in previous posts, my policy is to click the Reply All button in my email program and thereby send my response not only to the person who sent it to me but also to everyone to whom the obnoxious message was sent.

This is my response to the message above.


Pointing out the ignorance and hate-mongering found in your post is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. You, in lockstep with the cretins at FOX “News," appear to have forgotten that anything Michael Brown may have done or said at any point in time prior to being confronted, shot, and killed in the middle of that street in Ferguson, MO is completely irrelevant to the facts surrounding the shooting.

2. By your clear assertion that Attorney General Eric Holder will "crucify the policeman who shot Brown,” you have exposed both your prejudice in this case and your ignorance of the law.

3. Whether you know it or not, the argument you are using to cast blame on the now-dead victim of the shooting of an unarmed teenager is precisely that used by good, “Christian” slaveholders and their post Civil War successors, the advocates of Jim Crow justice past and present, to intimidate and brutalize blacks while justifying their actions and prejudices as honorable and necessary.

That having been said, I must ask a simple question. What was your purpose in sending me, or anyone else, such a piece of ignorant, hate-mongering trash?

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