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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Seeking The Headwaters of Denial

Scientific research often uncovers information about our world that challenges long-held beliefs, many of which are supposed to have come from God. As a result, any scientific discovery which presents a compelling case for a change of behavior within a self-governing society encounters strong resistance from a sizable block of the electorate. In America, that block resides primarily within the ranks of the Republican party and comprises the portion thereof known as the base.

The primary goal of politicians is to win elections, and to do that Republicans needs must curry favor with the base. As a result, when climate change legislation is introduced, they are predisposed to side with a block of voters who deny scientific evidence on the baseless notion that science is anathema to religion. To such people, religion is not a dialog with one's Creator in an attempt to seek His will and guidance in a growing and developing relationship. Instead, it is an edict from the Creator to follow without question a specific, rigid interpretation of what they believe to be His explicit words.

This is the political dynamic which currently stymies meaningful debate and blocks any legislation attempting to address the emerging, burgeoning, and very real problems irrefutably attributable to climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

Instead of seeking solutions based on an overwhelming body of evidence, science deniers trust to luck and play Russian roulette with the future survival of our species.

An old saying states that God helps those who help themselves. Today in America, there is an urgent need for science deniers and their political toadies to take that saying to heart.

Meaningful climate change legislation? It's An Uphill Battle.

Note: There's no denying this. Today's post is a preview of things to come in the next edition of Sunday Funnies.

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