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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140803

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is pachyderm paroxysm:

pach-y-derm |ˈpakəˌdərm|
nouna very large mammal with thick skin, esp. an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.DERIVATIVESpachydermal |ˌpakəˈdərməl| adjectivepachydermatous |ˌpakəˈdərmətəs| adjectivepachydermic |ˌpakəˈdərmik| adjectiveORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from French pachyderme, from Greek pakhudermos, from pakhus ‘thick’ derma ‘skin.’
 |ˈparəkˌsizəm|nouna sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity a paroxysm of weeping.• Medicine a sudden recurrence or attack of a disease; a sudden worsening of symptoms.DERIVATIVESparoxysmal |ˌparəkˈsizməl| adjectiveORIGIN late Middle English from French paroxysme, via medieval Latin fromGreek paroxusmos, from paroxunein ‘exasperate,’ from para- ‘beyond’ +oxunein ‘sharpen’ (from oxus sharp’ ).

Q: Why did I choose pachyderm paroxysm as the theme of the week?

A: The despicable behavior of today's Republicans makes me sick.

1. The Horns of a Dilemma

2. Pachyderm Prevarication

3. Pachyderm Prevarication Personified

When you have nothing to say that's worth listening to, try self promotion.

4. Even fake news makes more sense than anything Ms. Palin has to say.

5. At the GOP Bookstore

Going Rogue is very popular among the illiterati. They call it The Thrilla from Wasilla.

6. The GOP-controlled House could use a mother like this.

7. Let the punishment fit the crime.

8. How about the same punishment for criminal intent?

9. Ernie has a BS degree from the Louie Gohmert School of Obfuscation.

Rumor has it that the Comedy Channel wants to start broadcasting Congressional investigations.

10. Rump Grump

The tramp stamp mockery doesn't upset a Republican nearly as much as having the source of his ideas exposed. After all, that's the secret hiding place where he keeps his head in order to avoid reality.

11. Don't believe 'em when they talk about their cherished, "conservative values."

12. A Cure for Pachyderm Paroxysm

Medical Note: This remedy is a Wii bit drastic, but quite effective. A side benefit is the eradication of the vector for Fox "News" malaise.

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