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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150208

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is in a compromising position:


adj. caught in the act
More words related to in a compromising position
blatantly, guilty, openly
Notice: I intend to take liberties with this week's phrase, parsing its components and mutilating or mutating them as I see fit.

1. The Spirit of Compromise

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

2. Caught Red-Handed

3. Position Compromising The Health Of Our Nation

4. The Captain Is Predisposed and Soon to be Red-Handed

You can pan me for including this comic, but it hooked me.

5. Blatantly, Openly Guilty, But Quick-Witted

6. A Company Of Uncompromising Clowns With Questionable Positions

7. Oh, the humanity!

When the fabric of society is compromised by the actions of the selfish and the ignorant, we're all put at risk.

8. Between A Rock And A Soft Place

If you don't know why Sisyphus is, look it up.

9. Egg-zactly So!

Link to Source

10. He's Prone to Compromising His Health

11. Not to worry. He's immune to facts.

Sure his mouth's full, but he usually talks out of a different orifice.

12. Guess which is the Democrat and which the Republican...

Hint: One believes in and has has a principal interest in sharing the wealth; the other not so much, principally because it would mean compromising his self-interest.

13. Much like a dog that chased and caught a car...

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