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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The ABCs of WMDs - Debunking Another GOP Lie

Below is a thorough debunking of the latest right-wing narrative (i.e. LIE), which claims there were WMDs in Iraq. A friend posted it on Facebook earlier today along with a link to a BBC article about an interview with the title,

George W Bush had 'sickening feeling' over WMD lack
Let's get something straight.
From this 2010 BBC article, Pres. Bush is quoted, either from an interview or from his then-released memoir, that he felt "sick" that no WMDs were found in Iraq, despite all of his administration's claims that Hussein had them and/or was actively producing them or preparing to do so. Yet, in the most recent big NY Times articles on the subject, not only were there Sarin-containing weapons, the CIA was actually purchasing stockpiles from some unnamed source in 2005 & 2006, OLD weapons that THE U.S. HELPED Hussein build during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s!
These aren't the WMDs we were told about by the Bush administration, unless they were continually, conveniently leaving out that they were specifically referring to the then-20-year-old weapons, when they claimed Hussein was actively making them.
2002- Bush says there are WMDs in Iraq
2005-06- U.S. finds, buys, destroys old WMDs in Iraq, poisoning U.S. troops in the process (see the
long NY Times article from last year)
2010- Bush regrets not finding WMDs in Iraq
2014- NY Times runs article about these old WMDs made during Reagan administration, Republicans shout "SEE?!?!?"
2015- NY Times runs article about cia involvement, Republicans shout "NOW WILL YOU ADMIT BUSH DIDN'T LIE?!?"
Except for that part about Bush not understanding why they never found the WMDs they found in 2005, it all makes sense, right?
Thanks, Aaron.

I share Aaron's post with you, dear readers, because the current crop of hypocritical, right-wing propagandists are very good at telling only part of a story, conflating it with a cherry-picked section from another narrative, and calling the resulting distortion "the truth."

They count on the fact that most folks won't immediately recognize the subterfuge. They know that their ideological acolytes will spread the lie like the malicious virus it is. Meanwhile, those who do recognize the duplicity will not be able either to stop its proliferation or to immunize the unsuspecting against the malignant payload it carries.

In case you don't know who these propagandists are, I offer the following:

And should you be unsure as to the danger posed by the malignant payload their lies carry, consider this:

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