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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150215

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is clarify:

clar-i-fy |ˈklarəˌfī|
verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ]
1 make (a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly comprehensible : the report managed to clarify the government's position.
2 [often as adj. ] ( clarified) melt (butter) in order to separate out the impurities.

clarification |ˌklarəfiˈkā sh ən| noun
clarifier noun

ORIGIN Middle English (in the senses [set forth clearly] and [make pure and clean] ): from Old French clarifier, from late Latin clarificare, from Latin clarus ‘clear.’

* * *
Yes, dear reader, in this week's Sunday Funnies, I will attempt to lift the fog that shrouds a passel of problems that befuddle your (and my) mundane existence. Metaphorically, the cartoons will function as fog lights and the comments as a fog horn.

1. How to Play the Percentages

Hmmmmmm...perhaps another tax cut would help the poor blighter.

2. Let me make myself perfectly clear...

3. Vive La Différence!

That was then; this is now (not necessarily in that order).

4. He's neither a scientist nor a doctor, but he knows what he believes is "true."

I, on the contrary, believe he doesn't know a diagnosis from his bunghole.

5. This should clear up why the big boss makes the big bucks.

6. Recent research shows that climate science deniers are am-fib-ians.

And their elected representatives don't want to jump to any conclusions fearing that they might wind up in hot water come election day.

7. Specializing in Cross Words from the Bench.

Move along, folks! There's nothing to see here.
"Judicial activism," you say?
Nope! No siree! Judge Moor here, he's a Republican, and we all know Republicans hate and won't tolerate judicial activism.

8. Comic Economics - Double-Duty Drawing

What genius! Cartoonist Scott Metzger can recycle this one. All he has to do is color the ties black and change "Jehovah's Witness" to "Mormon Missionary." 

9. And while we're asking...

Q. Why hasn't Fox suspended Bill O'Reilly for lying about his supposed "combat experience" when he never served in the military?
A. Because Fox has no problem with their stable of actors, who pose as journalists, spreading right-wing lies. In fact, that's what they're paid to do.

10. The GOP Alternative to Obamacare

11. Exposing What Really Goes On Behind Closed Doors

Link to Source

12. Oh No! (Item 9 redux)

Not to worry dude. Bill O'Reilly is still on the air lying about his non-existent combat experience and just about every other subject he covers (in manure).

13. Snow on the Roof; Fire in the Furnace vs. The Lights are on, but Nobody's Home

AKA: The Old, Rich, White-Guys Club (with token minority and female members)

14. A Bonus Comic Offering Clarity and Profound Insight Into Human Relationships

Valentines Day is Actually a Religious Holiday

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