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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Wrong Question

This morning, I found the June 16, 2014 issue of Time in the waiting room of my ophthalmologist's office. I looked at the cover, and immediately thought that the folks at Time needed to see an ophthalmologist more than I did.

WAS HE WORTH IT? The cost of bringing Sgt. Bergdahl home is simply the wrong question for any American except one with severely impaired vision to be asking at the end of America's longest war. 

Perhaps asking that specific question about the value of a single American soldier's life speaks to the myopia and extreme tunnel vision which currently affilicts a sizable segment of our country.

Better that we should ask:

Was it worth it to hand the reins of government to a group of neoconservative warmongers whose imperialist agenda was spelled out back in 1997 in a document released by the think tank Project for the New American Century?

Were the multi-millions of dollars amassed by the signatories of that document via the wars they started worth the thousands of American lives lost?

How stupid would Americans have to be to return full control of Congress to that same group of self-serving ideologues in November?

In addition to the cover of Time, I came across a group of editorial cartoons, whose creators appear to have much better vision than the folks at Time. They have weighed in on the history and current status of the Middle-East mess handed to Barack Obama in 2009, and they also examine the the chronically impaired vision of those who created it.

Finally, today's the Wizard of Id comic strip serendipitously illustrates just how out of touch with reality are those who count themselves among the privileged in America and hope to  reinstitute their lucrative, warmongering agenda.

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