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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140601

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is makeup.

No, this is not a cosmetic post. I'm making up for my failure to post these comics on June 1.

1. This seems like a good one to start off the makeup edition.

2. Here's one for readers who want to lecture me about my tardiness.

3. An Old Joke (from the olfactory, of course)

Q: Why do farts stink?
A: So deaf people can also enjoy them. 

4. Multiple Personality Disorder - Starbucks Style

5. Let's all sing a chorus of Under The CFL!

6. The Price Of Self Governance - American Style

7. Organic Baggage?

8. Fill in your own example.

9. A Polarizing Array of Professional Symbols (The last one is the wurst.)

10. Discord among the conservative minions?

11. Radiation Therapy- Capitalism Style

12. When scientific facts don't fit the ideology...

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