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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

That Was Then; This Is Now - Cheney vs. Cheney

Former Vice President and would-be dictator, Dick Cheney continues to insist that America adopt his discredited, megalomaniacal agenda. In response, and with no political standing other than that of a loyal citizen of THe United States of America who is capable of thought, I offer a critical analysis of Kommandant Cheney's continuing diatribe.

Consider the following hierarchy of motivating forces for right-wing political entities:
  1. A rank and file GOP elephant never forgets, but his memories are often flawed.
  2. Conservatives work to maintain the status quo at the expense of meaningful change.
  3. Neoconservatives work to bring back the "good old days" that never were.
  4. The Tea Party works in the service of a self-serving wealthy minority.
  5. Dick Cheney works solely for the benefit of Dick Cheney.

Then: Chicken-Hawk Cheney beat the drum for war in Iraq.

Now: Duplicitous Dick blames President Obama for the devastating war he started.

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