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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140608

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is doughnut:
dough-nut |ˈdōˌnət| (also donut)nounsmall fried cake of sweetened dough, typically in the shape of a ball or ring.• ring-shaped object, in particular a vacuum chamber in some types of particle accelerator.

"Why doughnut?" you ask.

It's simple. I like doughnuts; and, unlike last week's tardy submission, this week's selection is freshly fried and glazed to perfection for maximum enjoyment. Coffee is optional.

1. Isn't that just peachy?

Freud would have a field day with rich, white, Republican men who write misogynistic laws while glorifying the phallic firearm.

2. At The End Of A Recent, Republican Training Session...

3. What happens in the protective enclave is supposed to stay there.

4. Mixing Religion and Politics? - no problem in the Sunday Funnies.

5. Mixing Religion and Sports? - Whoa! No way! That's scary, man!

I always wondered what they were talking about
6. Mixing Religion with Biology? - Things can get really mixed up.

7. Grammar Break: "ie" or "ei"? Sometimes it makes a shload of difference.

In German, "ie" is always pronounced like the English letter "E" and "ei" is always pronounced like the English letter "I." 
People who pronounce Leonard Bernstein's last surname as Bernsteen apparently never got the memo.
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8. Memory is not an elephant's problem. Getting him to learn something new is.

9. Then again, his memory doesn't seem to be quite what it used to be.

10. You can trust members of Congress. They know all about hot air and wind.

11. The GOP Support Our Troops Welcoming Committee.

They don't need another former POW. They still have John McCain.
John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. The American Conservative, July 1, 2010

12. Makes A Lot Of Sense

Sure, you're up to your eyeballs in dung, but the health care plan, the perks, and the pension make it all worthwhile. And when you leave, there's always lobbying for the companies your committee was supposed to regulate.
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13. ...and to make it a baker's dozen, this just in from Afghanistan:

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