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Thursday, March 20, 2014

He Built That!

If you build it, they will come!

President Obama didn't build Obamacare all by himself. He never claimed that he did. In fact, the term Obamacare began as a pejorative designed and spread by right-wing Obama-haters as part of their sustained effort to derail the Affordable Care Act.

Since  it clearly was their intention to give him all the blame if their efforts had succeeded, it's only fair that Mr. Obama now be given all the credit for Obamacare's apparent success.

Important Notice: That is not the famous Aflac Duck in the image above. The Aflac Duck represents an insurance company that has been listed as one of the world's most ethical companies for eight consecutive years

The duck pictured is the GOP-FLACK Duck. This quacker flacks for an unethical company of ideologues whose goal is to disparage and undermine anything that President Obama tries to accomplish.

As a lame-duck president with diminished political clout, Mr. Obama must carefully plot his flight-plan for the remainder of his term in office. In contrast, the GOP-FLACK Duck can't can't fly at all without hot-air support from a flock of Congressional decoys who are currently befouling the two-party political pond in which all Americans must swim.

flack 1 |flak| informalnouna publicity agent a public relations flack.verb [ trans. ]publicize or promote (something or someone) a crass ambulance-chaser whoflacks himself in TV ads [ intrans. the local news media shamelessly flackfor the organizing committee.DERIVATIVESflackery |-ərē| nounORIGIN 1940s: of unknown origin.

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