Announcer (shouting into microphone above the din of the croud):
Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of all ages, today's Celebrity Deathmatch pits Sir Rodney, knight of Id, against Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in a clash between Id-eology and ideology.
Turn your attention to the center ring and witness an incredible awakening of introspection and reason as the challenger, Sir Rodney, engages his brain to questions the wisdom of basing a nation's foreign policy on perpetual war.
(in hushed tones as the action begins)
You may be aware that even conservative writers like Daniel Larison have questioned the wisdom of such a stance.
Introspection. Flexibility. Admitting that you may have made a mistake, and suggesting the possibility of meaningful change in your nation's course of action.
Well played, Sir Rodney! Well played!
Now it's the senator's turn. Let's see what our self-declared champion (and loser of the 2004 presidential election) has in his bag of tricks.
McCain steps forward, chest out, oozing confidence...
But wait! What's that in his hand?
It appears to be a pitch pipe. Perhaps Sen. McCain is trying to avoid another off-key performance like his infamous "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran" improvisation back in 2007.
Despite the obvious risk, he's going to sing!
Sir Rodney's introspective, reason-based Id-eology has defeated Sen. McCain's rigid, might-makes-right ideology.
That's all for tonight, folks, but Sir Rodney can't rest on his laurels. As our new champion, he'll face a very tough challenger next week - one who is even more hidebound than Sen. McCain.
I won't divulge the identity of this ideologue, but I can assure you the new challenger will not depart from the standard right-wing playbook which has served his fellow Republicans so well since January 20, 2005.
Here's a preview of what to expect.
So long, until next week...
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