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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140316

A Baker's Dozen For Sunday Breakfast

I select the strips for Sunday Funnies from those I receive throughout the week prior to the post date. Some weeks the pickings are slim; other weeks there are only a few worth sharing. Some weeks the offerings teem with political and social import; other weeks they trend to whimsy. This week brought both an avalanche and a mixture.

The comics below may appear to be a peek into my digital junk drawer; but, there is a theme running through most, if not all, of the selections found there. Your mission, dear reader, should you decide to accept it, is not impossible. You need only look at the comics, read the comments presented here and synthesize them into a coherent whole.

Hint: Past performance is not a guarantee of future success.

Disclaimer: Comics with messages that fall outside this week's theme appear for one simple reason - I like them.

1. The Seat Of Religious Conservatism

2. Explainin' Sarah Palin

I think I have discovered where America's favorite half-term governor and would-be vice president learned American history.

3. Conservatism Will Always Lose The Youth Vote

Yes, Pig, times have changed. They always do.
Recognition is the easy part. The hard part is learning to adapt to the changes. That requires more than changing one's rhetoric while clinging to the same old policies and practices that oblige the world to reject change.
Young people don't carry historical baggage tying them to the old ways. The changed world and all that it offers is the only world they know.
(Click here for full post on this topic.)

4. Can you say Darrell Issa (R-CA)? How about Trey Gowdy (R-SC)? I knew you could.

chopfallen |ˈ ch äpˌfôlən|
variant spelling of CHAPFALLEN.
chapfallen |ˈ ch apˌfôlən| (also chopfallen |ˈ ch äp-|)
adjective archaic
with one's lower jaw hanging due to extreme exhaustion or dejection.
ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from CHAP .

5. The GOP's Last Anti-Obama Rant

6. An Arful Blind Date

I love puns. In fact, I never met a pun I didn't like. This one is special because it is cleverly tied to a visual image.

7. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate!

Folks who still have dial-up internet service will feel right at home.

8. She's trying to out-FOX ol' man winter.

9. We should never have let the elephant into the house.

With the Koch brothers playing the tune and the voting public only interested if the music is free, guess who's likely to get stuck paying the piper for the discordant symphony the elephants are conducting.

10. Death, Taxes, and GOP "Values"

Everyone has heard the saying, "Nothing is certain but death and taxes." For Republicans, those certainties drive an agenda based on two, immutable tenets.
1. Taxes are to be hated and eliminated, except when they are are regressive, like sales taxes, which take a proportionately larger bite out of the income of folks at the low end of the economic scale.
2. Death, by way of contrast, is not so bad. After all, it reduces the number of all those "other" Americans with whom traditional GOP policies do not resonate and for whom they do nothing except to exacerbate rather than alleviate their poverty, joblessness, hunger, disease, inadequate education and lack of health care.
Link to Source

Click this link America's Choice: Obamacare of We Say We Care for full blog post on this subject.

11. OK! OK! No more Death and Taxes. How about Politics and Religion?

12. The GOP March - Performed Backwards In Grid-Lockstep

13. A Happy Ending To Today's Food For Thought Buffet

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