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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sunday Funnies - Overflow Edition

Because I try to limit the number of items to twelve (or 13 for a baker's dozen), these items didn't make it into any of the previous editions of Sunday Funnies. Today I'm using them to bail me out and give me something to post with a minimum of writing.


1. Make no bones about it; there's meat to this surmise.

2. Repair the bridge to the 21st century? Nonsense. It just needs a new sign.

Besides, why should we invest in America when the smart money is buying stock in government subsidized agribusinesses and oil companies?

3. Yeah. The lazy taker will feel entitled to live.

4. Global Warming - The Sharking Truth

One never knows. Perhaps this Pearls Before Swine comic will put some teeth into the effort to stop global warming.

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