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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mastering Media Myth-Information

Today I found an un-birthday present in my inbox.

It was the announcement of a truth-seeking tool called Mythopedia, and it should save me a great deal of time, effort, and frustration. Instead of searching the web for links to facts debunking the steady stream of myth-information spewing daily from the right-wing echo chamber, I now have a source where those links are collected, collated, and composed for easy access and use.

Mythopedia is the answer to this liberal blogger's prayers.

Yes, my conservative friends, I used the "P-word." Deal with it.

Watch the video below to learn how easy it is to use Mythopedia, then begin your own search by clicking on the link below the video.

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Mythopedia was created to serve as a resource tool to catalog and debunk the most common myths and lies of the conservative media. Launched in 2014, this comprehensive database will be continuously updated. If you have suggestions or comments, please send to
© Media Matters for America 2014

Click this link to Search the Dictionary of Conservative Lies

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Bonus Present: In the process of composing my introduction to this post and deciding on an appropriate title, I happened upon the thesaurus entry for mystify (below). Take note of the last word in the list of synonyms.

Houdini mystified his audiences: BEWILDER, puzzle, perplex, baffle, confuse, confound, bemuse, bedazzle, throw; informal flummox, stump, bamboozle, fox

That explains quite a lot, doesn't it?

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